May 21, 2020 Minutes
May 21, 2020 @ 10:00am
Via Zoom Meeting
· Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership and Nominations), Kelsey Cox, 27th (Public Relations), Charleen Pegg, 18th (Training), Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative), Brian Swenson 28th (Parliamentarian), Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
· OJA – Spence Koehn, CSO Specialist
· Reading/Review of the Minutes:
Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Reading and Review of the May 6th, 2020 minutes
Stephanie Springer (27th) moved approved the minutes as submitted. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Treasurer’s Report:
February 2020 and March 2020 Treasurer’s report were submitted. Kelly advised that a new report for the month of March would updated and sent out. February 2020 ending balance was $72, 982.23. Brad Schuh (3rd) moved to approve the February 2020 report as submitted. Charleen Pegg (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Training
§ Discussion on the possibility of canceling the Fall 2020 conference in Mayetta, KS due to the current COVID 19 pandemic. Chris reached out to the hotel advising that we might possibly cancel it and he also reached out to District Chiefs to find out if canceling it would be a good idea due to the possibility of budget cuts etc. He received an overwhelming response in support of canceling it. He will reach out to the Hotel to find out if there will be any fees etc. that we might have to pay for the cancellation.
§ The board decided as a whole cancel the Fall conference and have Chris reach out to the hotel in regards to any possible cancellation fees.
§ Kelsey will reach out to the 40th Anniversary Committee about the cancellation and Charleen will reach out to the scheduled presenters about finalizing the cancellations of contracts.
§ An e-mail will be sent out to the Association advising of the cancellation and also advising that we will be looking into the possibility of webinar or online training from the presenters that were scheduled.
§ Chris advised that he signed a contract with the Drury Inn – Wichita, KS for the Fall 2022 conference.
· Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
o Fall 2020 – October 21 -23 – Prairie Band Casino - Mayetta, KS – Contract
o Spring 2021 – May 19-21 – Hilton Garden Inn - Manhattan, KS - Contract
o Fall 2021 – October 13-15 - Drury Inn – Wichita, KS – Contract
o Spring 2022 – April 6-8 – Hilton Garden Inn – Manhattan, KS – Contract
o Fall 2022 – October 19-21 Drury Inn – Wichita, KS - Contract
Legislature is in session today regarding limiting the executive power of the Governor, but no other items of interest at this time.
Public Relations
No Discussion
Membership and Nomination
· Discussion on CSO of the Year awards and how we wanted to go about presenting them to the winners. Agreed to send the winners notice and the plaques once they have been completed and to do a formal recognition at the Spring 2021 conference.
· Discussion regarding the upcoming Executive Board Elections that would normally be taking place. Agreed to send out an e-mail to the association advising of the positions that will be voted on and asking if anyone is interested in running, to advise the board so that we can make a formal decision on whether to conduct an election should someone outside the current board express interest in an opening or whether the current board would stay on for additional time.
· Spence advised that he was currently in works with UC trying to get the schedule set for CEU trainings through July of 2021. At this time OJA is not conducting or putting on any in person training indefinitely at this time.
· Nothing Discussed
· KACSO Give-A-Ways:
§ Chris sold 4 of these bags ordered for conference give-a-ways and has sent an invoice for payment.
· KACSO Raffle:
§ Discussion on whether or not to conduct a raffle in the upcoming year or if there will be a need to do so. Agreed to request feedback from the Association in regards to who is interested in proceeding with another raffle, or waiting to see what happens in the future.
§ Stephanie advised that would count up ticket sales for the raffle to determine who the winner was for the most tickets sold and will notify the association of the winner.
· None.
· $100.85 – (5 year subscription for
· Stephanie Springer (27th) moved to pay bills as submitted. Kelsey Cox seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Nothing new to report.
· Agreed to conduct next meeting on a date TBD in June via Zoom.
· Brian Swenson (28th) moved to adjourn the meeting. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.