May 2023 Minutes
KACSO Executive Board Meeting
Via Zoom
May 18, 2023
Call to Order
Present-Stephanie Springer, 27th (President) Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice President) Kelsey Cox, 27th (Membership and Nominations, Travis Lahann (Interim Training), Kevin Waring, 10th (Legislative Chair) Amanda Lovell 30th (Secretary), Spence Koehn (OJA), Julie Whitney, 5th (Treasurer). Abe Pfannenstiel, Steve Kearney (Kearney and Associates) Julie Marler (Public Relations), Chris Esquibel (Past President)
Officers Reports
Ā· Stephanie Springer called meeting to order.
Ā· Reading & Review of April 2023.
Ā· Kelsey Cox moved to approve minutes as corrected. Travis Lahann seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.
Treasurers Report
Ā· April Treasurers report was submitted, ending balance $98,685.26.
Ā· Amanda moved to approve report. Kelsey Cox Seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Ā· Review of Audit. Tips-Voucher needs a voucher for any money spent that isnāt to Kearney Associates and/or conference expenses. If Debit card is used a receipt is needed. All bills need to be listed in the minutes, with dollar amount listed first. Have hotel contracts, and speaker contracts on file. Changes have been discussed with all members.
Ā· Updated State Report-included a $40.00 fee.
Ā· IRS has sent a letter advising we owe $1, 117.34 for penalty due by June 2, 2023. KACSO to pay the check, and the CPA firm will reimburse the association.
Ā· Review of KACSO Survey results.
Ā· Fall Conference Update-have half the contracts in. Trainings include SASSI and Tyler at Fall Conference.
Ā· Discussed possible off-site trainings in the future.
Ā· Alternative Training Ideas to prepare for last minute cancellation. Discussed providing training for training chair members to prepare them to present if needed. Also discussed preparing a roundtable discussion, and offering vendors the opportunity to present and vendor fee be waived.
Ā· KACSO Board Roundtable to be scheduled for Thursday afternoon at Fall conference.
Site Selection-
Ā· Fall 2023 October 18-20 Prairie Band Casino Mayetta-Contract Signed.
Ā· Spring 2024 April 10-12 Drury Inn, Wichita (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 2024 October 23-25 Mayetta (waiting on countersigned copy)
Ā· Spring 2025 April 9-11 Manhattan (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 2025- Mulvane, Lawrence, Kansas City Area? October 22-24.
Legislative Report-
Ā· Steve-reports just completed the legislative session. Will be providing a summary of applicable bills.
Ā· HB2010, 2021-Become Law July 1, 2023. Expansion of SB123. Will be awaiting information on eligibility, and logistics moving forward.
Ā· Sentencing Commission meets one week from today. Juvenile Justice Commission meets July 21, 2023. Will have a Legislative Update meeting-date TBD.
Ā· 5% cost of living increase was approved, will take effect on July 7, 2023 paycheck.
Ā· A proclamation has been sent to governorās office for signature for Probation and Parole Officer week.
Public Relations
Ā· Nothing to Report.
Membership and Nominations Report
Ā· Kelsey reports no new nominations for Awards
Ā· Reports no letters of Intent for KACSO Board Positions.
Ā· Plans to send out monthly reminders to all members.
Ā· Discussed the Rick Land MTXE award, and discussing possibly renaming it and brining it back.
OJA Report
Ā· Spence was available to questions. Discussed LSCMI, YLS certification concerns.
Old Business
Ā· VIP Event- Kevin moved to approve the payment of Tubbyās bill to include payment of premium drinks due to miscommunication with venue staff at the 2023 VIP event. Kelsey Seconded the motion.
Ā· Refund Policy- Discussed allowing full refunds if cancellations occur before deadline. If cancellation needs to occur after deadline we will offer a partial refund.
Ā· Will discuss conference refunds and put policy in standing rules before next. Conference.
Ā· List Raffle Winners to reflect in minutes.
New Business
Ā· Email from Gary Haulmark-Stephanie Springer discussed issues with him.
Ā· Parliamentarian Vacancy-Opening up Interim Position. Letters of Intent by June 8th, to be reviewed at next meeting.
Ā· $40.00 Secretary of State Fee.
Ā· 1,117.34 to United States Treasury.
Ā· 86.96 Sams for VIP event Snacks-Debit
Ā· $2,335.36 to Tubbyās for VIP Event-Debit
Ā· $53.18 to Amazon for conference supplies Debit-3/24/2023
Ā· $75.00 to Butler County Treasurer on 3/23/23 refund on overpayment on membership due Check #1110
Ā· $135.00 to Bourbon County Clerk on 3/23/23-conference refund (Shanda Stewart) Check #1111
Ā· $12.60 postage-Debit 2/17/23
Ā· $92.10 to Michelle Colyer for reimbursement of registration table supplies. #1122
Ā· $350.00 (Challenge Entertainment) #1125
Ā· 100.00 Ryan Biedron (entertainment gratuity for conference costs) #1120
Ā· $75.00. Kelly Johnson for audit. Check #1127
Ā· $63.25 Kelly Johnson for mileage for audit. Check #1127
Ā· $75.00 Ruth Wheeler for Audit.
Ā· $372.00 Survey Monkey on 1/9/23-Debit
Ā· $64.37-Make note that on 1/19/23 the Board approved reimbursement to Julie Whitney for Quicken.
Amanda Lovell moved to approve bills, Kelsey Seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ā· Next Meeting
June 15, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.
Ā· Kelsey Cox moved to adjourn, Julie Whiney seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Amanda N. Lovell, Secretary
Stephanie Springer, President