Court services manages the cases of persons placed under court ordered supervision as the cases progress through intake, supervision, and release. The following summarizes the statewide supervision caseload for FY 2015.
In addition to caseload supervision, court services officers provided house arrest supervision in 650 cases and diversion supervision in 6,570 cases.
As a function of both court processes and case supervision, court services officers prepare a wide variety of reports in the criminal and juvenile area. These reports include presentence and predispositional investigations, reintegration plans, and case reports.
During FY 2015, court services officers prepared a total of 24,871 reports. 20,012 of the reports were prepared in the area of adult services, consisting of 16,788 felony and 3,224 misdemeanor reports. In juvenile services, a total of 4,859 reports were prepared, consisting of 1,758 reintegration reports and 3,101 predispositional reports.
Court services officers provide the court with valuable information in domestic cases by preparing child custody reports, and providing mediation case management services. Other services provided by court services include supervising parenting time visits and exchanges, assisting with Protection from Abuse (PFA) and Protection from Stalking (PFS) Orders, providing community education, and conducting divorce education classes for parents.
In FY 2015, court services prepared 3,190 child custody reports for the court. Mediation services were provided in 2,975 cases. Court services assisted the court and victims in 7,030 PFA cases and 3,551 PFS cases.
As a condition of release, offenders are required to compensate victims for damage incurred. In FY 2015, adults under court ordered supervision paid $2,592,896.34. Juveniles paid $185,588.98 in restitution to victims.
Offenders placed on court ordered supervision may be required by the court to complete community service work as a condition of supervision, or to compensate the state for costs or fees. In FY 2015 such offenders completed 53,540 hours of community service work.