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The President shall preside at all sessions of the Association and the Executive Board Meetings. The President shall coordinate all activities of the Association and be an ex-officio member of all committees. Additional duties of the President include setting the budget for each year to be approved by the Executive Board, finalize all bills for conferences, schedule all Executive Board Meetings, set the agenda for such meetings and serve as the spokesperson for KACSO at legislative hearings.



The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of the presidential duties as stated above and shall officiate and preside for the president in his/her absence. The Vice-President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and report to the Executive Board on the progress of all committees.



The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Association and shall deposit them as directed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association, and such records shall be open to inspection of the Executive Board on demand. The Treasurer shall keep a complete and accurate membership list of the Professional and Associate members of the Association and shall notify the Nominating-Membership Chairperson of current membership. The Treasurer shall submit the Kansas Association of Court Services Officers book to a full audit every odd- numbered year. The Treasurer shall also attend to duties that may be imposed upon that office by the Association which are inherent in and pertain to the duties of the office.



The Secretary shall be the official record keeper of the minutes from all meetings of the Executive Board and the Association, shall submit approved copies of the minutes to the Chief Court Services Officers, thereby keeping the members informed of the action of the Executive Board.  The Secretary also carries on all correspondence, subject to the approval of the President; maintains an accurate mailing list of the Chief Court Services Officers, and attends to all duties as may be imposed upon that office by the Association, which are inherent in and pertain to the duties of the office. 


The Public Relations Chairperson is responsible for maintaining and developing the KACSO web page, as well as enhancing involvement between KACSO and corporations on which Court Services has come to rely on for products and services. The Chairperson also solicits, identifies and publishes appropriate articles for publication in Suspended Sentence and is responsible for distributing this newsletter to all members. In addition, the chairperson raises funds for bi-annual training social events.



The KACSO Membership and Nomination Chairperson is responsible for all duties related to members and awards. This includes sending invoices on a yearly basis to all CSOs, keeping a current list of members, making labels for all mailings going to KACSO members and making changes on memberships as needed. In addition, the chairperson is responsible for the recruitment of positions to the KACSO Executive Board and is then responsible for the election process as outlined in the KACSO by-laws. The chairperson receives nominations for the awards that are presented at each spring conference. A committee appointed by the chairperson selects the award winners who are then submitted to the Executive Board for final approval.



It shall be the duty of the Training Chairperson to assess the current training needs of the membership. The chairperson shall plan and prepare training programs commensurate with those needs to be delivered at the Annual Meeting and the called General Meeting. The chairperson schedules and chairs meetings of the training committee. The chairperson also supports training with other organizations.



It shall be the duty of the Legislative Committee to prepare and present to the Association all matters of interest and benefit to the Association which may be enacted or repealed by action of the Kansas State Legislature. It shall further be the duty of the Legislative Committee to represent the Association’s interest to the Kansas State Legislature. The chairperson schedules and chairs monthly meetings of the committee when the legislature is in session.



The Past President/Site Selection Chairperson is responsible for assisting the new President in their role, schedules future KACSO Conferences by contacting hotels and signing contracts, schedules pre-conference meetings with the hotel staff and members of the KACSO Executive Board, contacts the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) in the city in which the conference is held, is responsible for ordering the conference giveaways and organizes the evening activities at the conference.



The Parliamentarian shall be versed in the rules of parliamentary procedures and insure that these rules are adhered to during all meetings of the Association and Executive Board, as prescribed in “Roberts Rules of Order.” The Parliamentarian shall assist the President with any questions pertaining to the rules of order during business meetings.

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