July 2023 Minutes
KACSO Executive Board Meeting
Via Zoom
July 20, 2023
Call to Order
Present-Stephanie Springer, 27th (President) Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice President) Kelsey Cox, 27th (Membership and Nominations, Travis Lahann (Interim Training), Kevin Waring, 10th (Legislative Chair) Amanda Lovell 30th (Secretary), Julie Whitney, 5th (Treasurer). Abe Pfannenstiel, Steve Kearney (Kearney and Associates), Willie Williams, 29th (Interim Parliamentarian) Spence Koehn (OJA)
Officers Reports
Ā· Stephanie Springer called meeting to order.
Ā· Reading & Review of June 2023 minutes.
Ā· Julie Whitney moved to approve minutes as corrected. Kelsey Cox seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.
Treasurers Report
Ā· June Treasurers report was submitted, ending balance $94,891.25
Ā· 2nd Quarter report submitted, same ending balance.
Ā· Tom Weishaar moved to approve report. Kevin Waring Seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Ā· Penalty to IRS, check was cashed. KACSO had already been reimbursed the amount.
Ā· Fall Conference is getting set up. Have several written contacts signed and verbal commitments from those who arenāt signed.
Ā· Advanced and Beginning type Tyler training for Fall Conference.
Ā· Spring conference will include some supervising training on new evaluation system.
Ā· Travis to send Spence schedule of training so to not duplicate trainings.
Ā· CSO Roundtable-discussed possible topics.
Site Selection-
Ā· Fall 2023 October 18-20 Prairie Band Casino Mayetta-Contract Signed.
o Upped # of rooms available.
Ā· Spring 2024 April 10-12 Drury Inn, Wichita (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 2024 October 23-25 Mayetta (waiting on countersigned copy)
Ā· Spring 2025 April 9-11 Manhattan (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 2025- Mulvane, Lawrence, Kansas City Area? October 22-24.
Legislative Report-
Ā· Plans to send out RFP request that will be sent to membership for upcoming legislative session.
Ā· Monitoring Interim Committees.
Ā· Plans to schedule an in-person legislative committee meeting in the fall to tour Capitol and OJA.
Ā· Stephanie is on a Juvenile Justice Committee, provided update.
Public Relations
Have six vendors signed up-Intoxalock, Valley Hope, Micro Distributions, HRADAC, AG Office, Bel Aire Recovery.
Membership and Nominations Report
Ā· Ballots to go out August 3rd.
Ā· Have 1 Ā½ weeks left for deadline for letters of intent.
Ā· Have received nominations for awards.
OJA Report
Ā· Dual supervision MOU has been fully executed last week, will begin working with DOC to set up trainings later this year.
Ā· Pilot project for new PSI Portal has started.
Ā· SB123-should be seeing some Flowcharts soon.
Old Business
Ā· Amanda Lovell provided update from the FUNdraising committee meeting.
New Business
Ā· Spence and Stephanie brought up a request from OJA to add a day of Specialty Courts to the beginning of our conference.
Ā· $67.86 to Tom Weishaar for mileage to Topeka 6/28/2023
Ā· $76.57 to Chris Esquibel for mileage and toll to Topeka 6/28/2023
Ā· $187.20 to Stephanie Springer for mileage to Topeka 6/28/2023
Ā· $348.02 to Kelsey for envelopes and stamps for the upcoming election
Amanda Lovell moved to approve bills, Willie Williams seconded. Motion approved.
Standing Rules
Updated standing rules to address conference refunds.
Julie moves that written requests for refund of conference fees must be submitted to the Treasurer before registration deadline for full refund, and within 5 business days after conference, for a 50 % refund. Kelsey Seconded the motion. All in Favor, motion approved.
Next Meeting
August 17, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m. via zoom.
Ā· Julie Whitney moved to adjourn, Willie Williams seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Amanda N. Lovell, Secretary
Stephanie Springer, President