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September 16, 2015

Four Points Hotel, Manhattan, KS

PRESENT: Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Interim Vice-President), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Interim Membership/Nominations), Kathleen Rieth, 10th (Legislative), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations), Chris Mechler, OJA by phone.

Interim President Chris Esquibel, (29th) called the meeting to order. Kathleen Rieth (10th) made a motion to approve the minutes from August 27, 2015 board meeting. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) reported the lobbyist contributions are at $8.900.00. The board discussed developing talking points about the lobbyist for members. Patrick from Kearney & Associates will send some talking points to the board to forward to the membership. During the business luncheon the future of the lobbyist will be discussed with the membership.

TRAINING: Mike Clark (21st) advised he is waiting on one contract for the spring conference. Mike advised four (4) projectors are needed for conference. Mike advised the old giveaways that have been in storage will be sold at conference. The profits will go towards the lobbyist. The hotel will provide a shuttle to Aggieville. Tom Weishaar (1st) advised the Manhattan convention and visitors bureau will print name tags & provide bags. Tom will send out an email to chief CSOs regarding the chiefs meeting on Wednesday. Chris Esquibel (29th) will contact the color guard from KSU ROTC or the police department. Chris will speak with Justice Rosen regarding talking during the conference.

SITE SELECTION: The board will meet in Junction City at the Marriott on November 19, 2015 at 10:00am.

LEGISLATIVE: Kathleen Rieth (10th) reported the legislative committee will meet September 29, 2015 at OJA at 11:00am. Kathleen reported Kearney & Associates want some direction from the board for the 2016 legislative session.

OJA: Chris Mechler (OJA) reported by phone. Chris advised she has attended some regional chiefs meetings.

Chris reported the changes in LSI-R scoring guide has been an ongoing project. She advised DOC in the past had changed the 2 year look back to 1 year; they have gone back to using the 2 year look back rule. She reported some score rules may change for CSOs. She will forward thos to Chief CSOs when she receives them from University of Cincinnati.

Cyzap was selected as the contractor for developing the web-based LSI-R and LSIR:SV. OJA staff and attorneys’ at the Division of Purchases are working on a contract with Cyzap.

Chris advised scoring training for the LSI-R and YLS will be offered in January through April 2017. The training will be a scoring review and video interview followed by a webinar with UC trainers. The CSO advisory Committee will have a preview in October. Fall Regional CEU training-Working with Justice Involved Girls & Women will take place November 17 and 18 at Johnson County Community College Olathe Health Education Center. Spring Regional CEU training topic will be Assessment & Supervision of sexual offenders-June 6-10, 2016. Jennifer Pealer will be the trainer. October 7-9, 2015 YLS training will take place in Manhattan and December 9-11, 2015 LSI-R training will take place in Wichita.

Chris reported the advisory group is working on changes to the adult section of the CSO Manual. The juvenile offender section will be looked at next. Chris discussed the absconder ruling and suggested the absconder section of the manual be reviewed at conference.

Chris advised pending certifications for the YLS are being reviewed by the University of Cincinnati.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Chris Esquibel (29th) advised half of the contract for the website has been paid. Kelsey Cox (18th) reviewed a list of web site questions from Lacy Paredes. The board discussed the list and gave feedback to Kelsey. Kelsey will communicate the information to Lacy. The board discussed who on the board will keep the information on the website current.

Kelsey advised the vendor form sent to vendors was not updated with the new cost. Vendors will be paying $125.00 at this conference.

MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported she has received ballots from members for the election. Erin Engelken (9th) will go to Hutchinson on October 5th to count ballots. Two CSOs from the 27th will assist in counting the ballots.

OLD BUSINESS: Mike Clark (21st) moved, if not in violation of any Kansas laws and after review by Kearney & Associates, to have a 50/50 raffle to pay the lobbyist. The winner must be present to win. The drawing will take place at dinner on October 22, 2015. Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded. Motion carried 9-0.

Mike Clark (21st) moved to sell old giveaways, KACSO labeled merchandise, from prior conferences. Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

NEW BUSINESS: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported the work group with the Council of State Government regarding juvenile offenders has three (3) subgroups that are meeting weekly by phone. Stephanie will forward information to board members.

Chris Esquibel (29th) advised Chief Justice Nuss has sent a letter to employees outlining the budget for 2017.

CORRESPONDENCE: Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he will send invitations to OJA and legislators for the conference.


Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $149.34 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Kelsey Cox (18th) submitted a bill for $178.75 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Tom Weishaar (1st) submitted a bill for $108.00 for mileage to/from theexecutive board meeting.

Chris Esquibel (29th) submitted a bill for $500.00 for deposit for Four Points Hotel.

Mike Clark (21st) moved and Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 9-0.


Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 9-0.

The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be October 20, 2015 at 2:00pm in Manhattan.

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