April 2023 Minutes
KACSO Executive Board Meeting
Hilton Garden Inn
Manhattan KS
April 11, 2023
Call to Order
Present-Stephanie Springer, 27th (President) Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice President) Kelsey Cox, 27th (Membership and Nominations, Julie Marler, 28th (Public Relations), Travis Lahann (Interim Training), Kevin Waring, 10th (Legislative Chair) Amanda Lovell 30th (Secretary) Brian Swenson, 28th (Parliamentarian) Chris Esquibel, 29th (Sitting Past President) Julie Whitney, 5th (Treasurer).
Officers Reports
Ā· Stephanie Springer called meeting to order.
Ā· Reading & Review of September 2022 minutes.
Ā· Kelsey Cox moved to approve minutes as corrected. Travis Lahann seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.
Treasurers Report
Ā· March Treasurers report was submitted, ending balance 109,331.85
Ā· Kelsey Cox moved to approve minutes. Tom Weishaar Seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Ā· 2022 Tax information was sent to Brad Hammel.
Ā· IRS sent letter asking for 60 days to review 2021 taxes.
Ā· Travis reports a presenter backed out.
Ā· Travis is going to present in the interim.
Ā· Moderators covered for each session.
Site Selection-
Ā· Spring 2023 April 12-14 Hilton Garden Inn Manhattan-overflow with Holiday Inn Express and Fairfield.
Ā· Fall 2023 October 18-20 Prairie Band Casino Mayetta-(Contract Signed)
Ā· Spring 2024 April 10-12 Drury Inn, Wichita (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 2024 October 23-25 Mayetta-Tentative Dates, waiting for contract.
Ā· Spring 2025 April 9-11 Manhattan (Contract Signed)
Ā· Fall 25- Mulvane, Lawrence, Kansas City Area? October 22-24.
Legislative Report-
Ā· Legislatures are out on break. They come back April 26, 2023.
Ā· New Legislation-Juvenile Justice law changes didnāt pass.
Ā· Expansion of SB123 was not voted on.
Ā· Cost of living raises are still on the table.
Ā· Kearney and Associates have been very beneficial in communications.
Public Relations
Ā· Julie reports there are 12 vendors.
Ā· Greenfeather, Intoxalock and Valley Hope all provided monetary contributions.
Membership and Nominations Report
Ā· Plans to set a new date for nominations. Considering August 1st. Will make the deadlines for nominations and ballots the same.
OJA Report
Ā· None
Old Business
Ā· None discussed.
New Business
Ā· None discussed.
Ā· Thank you card from Raylene Mattocks.
Ā· Kelsey Cox- Mileage and Envelopes. 171.03. Brian moved to approve. Julie Marler Seconded.
Ā· Next Meeting
May 18, 2023 @ 10:00 a.m.
Ā· Julie Whitney moved to adjourn, Kelsey Cox seconded. Meeting adjourned.