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July 2022

KACSO Executive Board Meeting

July 21, 2022 via Zoom

Call to Order

Stephanie Springer, 27th (President) Tom Weisharr, 1st (Vice President) Julie Whitney, 5th (Treasurer), Kelsey Cox, 27th (Membership and Nominations), Julie Marler, 28th (Public Relations), Charly Pegg 18th (Training) Kevin Waring, 10th (Legislative Chair) Amanda Lovell 30th (Secretary), Chris Esquibel, 29th (Sitting Past President), Spence Koehn (OJA)

Officers Reports

· Stephanie Springer called meeting to order.

· Reading & Review of June 2022 minutes.

· Charly Pegg moved to approve minutes as submitted. Kevin Waring seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.

Training Report

· Charly Pegg provided Fall Schedule, Presenter Schedule/Hotel Information, along with Fall 2022 Presenter information with Costs.

· Confirmed all trainees attending. Waiting on one contract.

· Francis Gibbons wants questions for PSI Panel and Legislative Update session.

· Chief’s meeting for KACSO to include a Q&A session with OJA in regards to “progressive discipline” at Chief’s meeting scheduled for October 19, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.

· Discussed Expungement Training.

· Discussed training with Trooper Crump to include changes DUI law and how it applies to ignition interlock

· Discussed need for table for Curtis the Mentalist.

· Will know more after meeting with Drury if any additional equipment will be needed.

· Discussed plans to cap “Tall Cop” Series at 50 attendees.

· Discussed expense for Kansas Sentencing Guidelines/Legislative Update trainers.

· Discussed options for Leadership training at Manhattan KACSO.

Site Selection-

· Fall 2024 Mayetta-10/23/24-10/25/24, Chele Kuhn is contact and those dates are available and waiting contract.

· Spring 2025 Manhattan 4/9/24-4/11/24, Alisa Drum is the contact. Need to check on those dates.

Treasurer’s Report

· The 2nd quarter and June 2022 Treasurer’s reports were submitted. The 2nd quarter ending balance is 66,076.31 and the June 2022 ending balance is 78,721.24.

· Chris Esquibel moved to approve the 2nd quarter and June 2022 reports as submitted. Kelsey Cox seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.

Legislative Report

· Reports plans to meet with Steve Kearney to prepare for next legislative session.

· Meeting every two weeks discussing SB 408, specifically the dual supervision issues.

Public Relations

· Discussed Updated Website. Member to look at necessary updates to the Website.

· Please send a Probation/Parole Week picture to Julie Marler to post on Facebook!

Membership and Nominations Report

· Will discuss new membership as part of New Business.

OJA Report

· Discussed new DUI laws, Spence Koehn reports plans to send out a grid within the next couple of weeks to help clarify.

· Chris Loomis has been working on an onboarding process that is completed.

· Discussed a change in the process for updating contacts.

· Kansas Sentencing Commission Reports today-Spence to give a report on assessments.

Old Business

· Bylaws-to be sent out 30 days prior to conference.

· Updated vendors fees will need to be changed in the standing rules.

· Brian to get document in regards to changing of Bylaws to Stephanie.

New Business

· Discussed possibility of an E-ballot for future elections. Kelsey Cox discussed an online secure voting system with costs similar or more cost efficient then current mail in system. With 400 voters there is a cost of $161.64.

· Kelsey to create a trial run for board members.

· Upon review of by-laws it was discovered that a change to the by-laws will be required to switch to an on-line ballot.

· Discussed an on-line registration possibility for conference via sign up genius.


· None


· None

Next Meeting

· August 19, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. via zoom.


· July Whitney moved to adjourn the meeting. Kelsey Cox. All in Favor, motion approved.


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