September 2019 Minutes
September 5, 2019 at 10:00am
Kansas Star Casino
777 Kansas Star Dr.
Mulvane, KS 67110
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership / Nominations), Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative), Kelsey Cox, 27th (Public Relations), Brian Swenson 28th (Parliamentarian)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Reading and review of August 2019 minutes.
Tom Weishaar (1st) moved to approve August 2019 minutes as submitted. Brian Swenson (28th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
July 2019 Treasurer’s reports submitted with an ending balance of $51,821.13.
Stephanie Springer (27th) moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as submitted. Kelsey Cox (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
The casino has donated two tickets to a show in their arena as well as two tickets for dinner in their steakhouse. These will be raffled off at the business lunch on Thursday and winner must be present. People will be entered in the raffle when they check in for conference.
Chirs is still waiting to hear back from Candace Geifer from Sumner County on whether or not she will be speaking at the welcome on Wednesday. Also waiting to hear from her on if a judge from that county will be present to speak and do the swearing in of officers.
SASSI training at the upcoming conference was approved by OJA for CEU’s
We will once again be putting stars on training certificates for giveaways at conference.
Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2019 – October 16 - 18 Kansas Star Casino – Mulvane, KS – Contract
Spring 2020 – April 15 – 17 – Drury Inn – Wichita, KS - Contract
Fall 2020 – October 21 -23 – Prairie Band Casino - Mayetta, KS – Contract
Spring 2021 – May 19-21 – Hilton Garden Inn - Manhattan, KS - Contract
Fall 2021 – October 13-15 - Drury Inn – Wichita, KS – Contract
Spring 2022 – April 6-8 – Hilton Garden Inn – Manhattan, KS – Contract
Fall 2022 – October 19-21 – Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta or Kansas Star Casino – Mulvane - pending
Brad attended the reform commission meeting in August and a summary was shared with the membership. Future meetings of the commission have yet to be scheduled but once known, will be sent out to the membership.
The sentencing commission will meet later this month in Topeka to release their legislative proposals and Brad will be attending this as well.
Brad and Chris had lunch a couple of weeks ago with Steve and Colin from Kearney and Associates to discuss legislative issues. They shared that the SB 367 audits are ongoing and will continue throughout the fall and that there has been some valuable information shared regarding SB367. Also discussed a possible legislative fix to allow CSO’s to help clients obtain ID’s from KDOR. Steve advised he wanted to run this by OJA as well as agents from KDOR before putting forth a bill.
Next legislative meeting is scheduled for 9/24/19 at 11:00 in Topeka at OJA.
Public Relations
Discussed that only three vendors are advertising on our website and two of them are planning to discontinue advertising as they don’t see the value in remaining on the website. Ideas were discussed on how to draw more vendors in and also if we even need to continue looking for vendors to advertise. It was decided that the fee to advertise on the site would be dropped to $150 per year and vendors would be given the opportunity to present at conference in between the welcome and general session.
Membership and Nomination
Ballots for the upcoming election continue to come in and Stephanie and Kelsey are working on counting the returns. Stephanie advised that she was impressed with the number of ballots returned so far.
Nothing to report.
Raffle Update:
Tickets have been printed, the firearms have been chosen (6 total), and the first raffle will take place on 2/1/2020. Members will be asked at registration about tickets and those that have already signed up to sell tickets will receive them at check-in.
CSO 101 training:
Stephanie will send out an e-mail in the next few days regarding topics to discuss at training. It was decided that a roundtable format will be the best way to conduct the training. Kelly reports between 5 and 10 CSO’s have signed up for the session so far.
PSI training in LVCO:
Training went over very well and was a success. Around 60 CSO’s were in attendance along with Scott Schultz and three other attorneys from the Sentencing Commission. Tom suggested that we look into having this type of training every year.
Retirement of Justice Nuss:
The board would like to recognize Chief Justice Nuss on his retirement and agreed that we need to know by October 1st if he will be able to attend the conference. Brad will reach out to Shawn at OJA to confirm.
Nothing to report.
Thank you notes were received from Jim Cyphers and Rita Adam thanking the board for recognizing their retirements and for the gift cards they received.
$76.56 – Stephanie Springer (mileage and tolls)
$114.45 – Brian Swenson (mileage and tolls)
$273.24 – Tom Weishaar (mileage and tolls)
$262.84 – Tom Weishaar (PSI training hosted in LVCO)
$62.36 – Quill (ballot envelopes)
Spence Koehn (4th) moved to approve and pay bills as submitted. Kelsey Cox (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Nothing to report.
The next meeting with be on Tuesday October 15th, 2019 at 2:00 pm at the Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane, KS.
Kelsey Cox (27th) moved to adjourn and Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting adjourned.