September 11, 2018 at 10:00 am
Prairie Band Casino
12305 150th Rd
Mayetta, KS 66509
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian / Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations), Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative), Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
August Executive Board meeting minutes have not been completed yet but will be ready for review by the October meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
July 2018 report submitted with an ending balance of $40,049.32
Kelsey Cox (18th) moved to approve the report as submitted. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Training committee met last month and have pretty much confirmed speakers for the next two conferences.
Currently working on confirming speakers for the Spring 2020 conference but dates still need to be confirmed.
Discussed possible site visit in November at new conference center in Salina as a possible Spring 2020 site.
Discussed give-a-ways for upcoming conference and decided to go with key chains.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to purchase and order 175 key chains. Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Kelly Johnson mentions that KACSO 40th anniversary is in 2020.
OJA has asked to have some time at this conference to speak about earned discharge credit. It was agreed to split the time allocated to the IIP Round Table and let OJA speak during that time.
Chris will be speaking with Sherri Harter about speaking at the opening and seeing if she will be getting a local Judge to speak.
Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS on October 18-20 - Contract
Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS on April 9-11 - Contract
Fall 2019 Kansas Star Casino – Mulvane, KS on October 16-18 – Contract
Spring 2020 – April 22 – 24 – Still talking with Manhattan and may do site visit to Salina in November.
Fall 2020 – October 21 -23 – Talked with Prairie Band and they are willing to offer contract again.
There was a meeting of the SB 367 subcommittee last month and some very good ideas were come up with to present to OJA.
There will be a legislative update at the upcoming conference.
Recently met with our lobbyist and talked about some items we would like to pursue in the upcoming legislative session but agreed to wait to finalize things until after the upcoming elections in November.
The sentencing commission meets next week so we should get a better idea of what might be happening in the upcoming year.
The next legislative meeting is scheduled for 9/18/18.
Public Relations
Vendor forms were sent out with a return deadline of 10/1.
We have received some donations from vendors to cover some costs of the hospitality at the upcoming conference.
Membership and Nomination
Ballots are still coming in so no results as of yet, but there has been a good response so far.
The contract with the University of Cincinnati has been finalized and is completed.
There will possibly YLS, LSI-R and EPICS training available in November.
Work is still being done on the workload study and is yet to be finalized.
There have been two new positions established at OJA
KACSO Raffle:
All firearms have been chosen and Spence can send the list if anyone would like to see it. A total of 8 prizes have been selected and all had an average cost of $400 - $500
Spence has an e-mail to send out to members prepared and will have the rules finalized.
Tickets will be brought to conference so that they can be distributed to members who want to participate and start selling early.
First drawing will be at the end of February.
Agreed to give $100 cash prize to the top ticket seller.
Made clarification in regards to capping the cash prize at $400 gift card or check. Also made clarification that the price of tickets will be $25.oo and that the # above and below the winning number would also receive $25.00 prize.
Discussed including notice in the rules that if all tickets are not sold and an unsold ticket is the winning number, the next drawing would determine the winner.
Discussed having a vote at next board meeting before conference on raising the yearly member / non-member fees.
Conference invitations were sent out a couple of weeks ago and have had a decent response from OJA on attendance.
$206.01 – Stephanie Springer (Mileage)
$165.42 – Kelsey Cox (Mileage)
$100.00 – Gift cards for retirements of Sherri Smith and Patricia Henderson.
$59.95 – Quill for ballots and envelopes
$506.99 – Julie Driscoll raffle winner reimbursement.
Spence Koehn (4th) moved to pay bills as submitted. Ryan Duckers (29th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Nothing new to report
The next meeting with be on October 16th at 2:00pm in Mayetta, KS
Spence Koehn (4th) moved to adjourn and Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting adjourned.