August 16, 2018 at 10:00 am
Lyon County Courthouse
430 Commercial St.
Emporia, KS 66801
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian / Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations), Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative), Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Reading and Review of July 2018 Executive Board Minutes
Tom Weishaar (1st) moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. Kelly Johnson (4th) opposes but all others in favor. Motion passed 7-1
Treasurer’s Report:
June 2018 report submitted with an ending and 2nd quarter balance of $42,413.20.
Brad Schuh (3rd) moved to approve the report as submitted. Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Current Lobbyist balance remains the same as last month and is $20,556.00.
Everything is set for the fall conference with all contracts returned.
Conference registrations will be sent out on Monday and are due back by hotel registration deadline of 9/28.
Prairie Band agreed to donate a stay and play package for us to raffle off.
Tom is talking with Topeka Visitor and Convention Bureau who agreed to donate 75 conference packets.
Agreed to use 5 tumblers as give-a-ways and will look into ordering key chains or power banks.
Discussed having a T-shirt design contest with winners at the next conference also will be doing 50/50 raffle again.
Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS on October 18-20 - Contract
Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS on April 9-11 - Contract
Fall 2019 Kansas Star Casino – Mulvane, KS on October 16-18 – Contract
Spring 2020 – April 22 – 24 – Hilton in Manhattan is receptive and will work with us on price and dates
Fall 2020 – October 21 -23 – Talked with Prairie Band and they are willing to offer contract again.
Discussion took place at the NE Regional meeting regarding juvenile reform and members suggested that a committee be formed to discuss problems and come up with ideas to present to OJA. The committee was formed and will be meeting in Topeka on 8/27.
The next legislative meeting is scheduled for 9/18/18.
Public Relations
A vendor reached out to Kelsey regarding traffic on our website so she looked into numbers and found that it was visited 1200 times in the last year with the Home page, Events and Contact Us page being the most frequented.
Vendor forms for the upcoming conference have been sent out with a return deadline of 10/1.
Membership and Nomination
Ballots and envelopes were put together today and will be mailed out this week with a return deadline of 9/28
Nothing new to report on.
Chris contacted a company that agreed to put together a website that can be open for several weeks where members can order shirts, jackets and bags with KACSO logo. The website would be a one time fee of $75.00 with no additional mark up on the merchandise.
Discussed purchasing bags to be used as conference give-a-ways.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to purchase 10 bags to be used as give-a-ways. Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
KACSO Raffle:
Last raffle has taken place and the winner elected to take the firearm but it is not currently available. The winner is open to alternative options and Chris is checking with Mike Clark and the dealer about the status
Continued discussion on starting second raffle and putting the cap on cash prize to $400 and a cap on the cost of the firearm to $450 to $500.
Also discussed increasing the total prize drawings to 8 and raising the price of tickets to $25
Odyssey System:
Chris met with the Odyssey requirements committee yesterday and it continues to move along slowly with regular meetings and conference calls.
Chris will send out conference registration to OJA once it is completed.
$125.28 – Tom Weishaar (Mileage)
$117.72 – Stephanie Springer (Mileage)
$104.83 – Kelsey Cox (Mileage)
$250.00 – APPA
$1,479.57 – Reimbursement to Shana O’Neill for hotel and transportation at APPA conference.
Brad Schuh (3rd) moved to pay bills as submitted. Ryan Duckers (29th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Nothing new to report
The next meeting with be on September 11th in Mayetta, KS
Kelly Johnson (4th) moved to adjourn and Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting adjourned.