May 17, 2018
Office of Judicial Administration
301 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66112
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Carly Feldhausen, 3rd (Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations), Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative), Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Reading and review of April 2018 Executive Board minutes.
Stephanie Springer (27th) moved to approve minutes as submitted. Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
April 2018 report submitted with an ending balance of $48,052.38.
Brad Schuh (3rd) moved to the report as submitted. Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
2018 Spring Conference Summary was also submitted and reviewed. Revenues totaled $17,585.00 with expenses totaling $25,573.64 for a net loss of $7,988.64.
Board needs to decide on a Fall 2019 site and had discussion on re-visiting the option of the Drury Inn. After discussion the general consensus was for the Kansas Star Casino. Chris Esquibel will reach out to them to secure the dates and details.
Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS on October 18-20 - Contract
Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS on April 9-11 - Contract
Fall 2019 Kansas Star Casino – Mulvane, KS on October 16-18 – Contract Pending
Legislative session has adjourned and should be completed.
Legislative committee to meet at OJA on 5/22/18
Legislation on raises for Non-Judicial staff has passed. It is not yet determined how the additional funding will be dispersed, but OJA is working on this and using the salary study to make the determination. Raises will go into effect the first pay period in July.
Public Relations
Kelsey reports that Jay Eggar (?) reached out to her regarding several vendors that are interested in attending conferences so she will be reaching out to them regarding upcoming conferences.
Membership and Nomination
Training Chair position is now open due to Carly accepting a position with Federal Probation and Parole. Discussion was had regarding filling the position and Spence has agreed to take over this position in the interim while still acting as Parliamentarian.
Kelsey Cox (18th) moved that Spence Koehn (4th) take over the Training Chair position while maintaining Parliamentarian duties until elections in the fall. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Board positions that are open for election in the fall are President, Treasurer, Training, Public Relations and Parliamentarian.
Stephanie will be sending out notice to the association regarding the open positions and letters if intent. At this time no letters of intent have been received.
Nothing new to report on.
Nothing new to report on.
KACSO Raffle:
Discussed whether or not we want to conduct the raffle again as a fundraiser to pay for Lobbyist fees and if so, do we want to be ready to start selling tickets by the conference in October.
We also discussed if we need to cap the cash option to the actual value of the firearm that is being raffled as many people were taking the gift card option. It was suggested that we wait to see what happens with the remaining drawings and start moving forward on this at the next board meeting.
Chris updated the website with vendor links and asked the board to review and advise if anything needs to be added or changed.
Chris to send out card for retirement of Steven Hale (27th).
Kelly not in attendance at this meeting so any bills to be submitted will be accounted for at July meeting.
Nothing new to report
The next meeting with be on June 21st at the Topeka Library at 10:00am
Kelsey Cox (18th) moved to adjourn and Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting adjourned.