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Thursday, April 5, 2018 – 12:30pm

Holiday Inn

549 S. Rock Rd.

Wichita, KS 67207

  • Chris Esquibel, 29th (President) called the meeting to order


  • Reading / Review of the Minutes:

  • Minutes from the October 2017 Business Meeting were distributed to members for review. No corrections or additions were noted.

  • Christy Robinett (28th) moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Jennifer Foster (9th -CA) seconded the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion carried.

  • Treasurer’s Report:

  • The 2018 1st Quarter Treasurer’s report was submitted to the association for review with an ending balance of $73,511.19.

  • The 2017 Audit was completed on 3/30/18.

  • President’s Report:

  • Legislative:

  • The current session is moving slowly with school funding still an issue.

  • Bill was passed that removed CSO’s as “professional monitors” of Sexually Violent Offenders that fall under involuntary civil commitment.

  • State v. Horselooking ruling for classification of prior criminal convictions when the convicting jurisdiction does not designate a crime as misdemeanor or felony

  • Budget :

  • Some members of the board were called to a meeting with OJA several weeks back regarding the budget. OJA advised that Legislators had come up with a budget proposal that involved creating two separate budgets for Judicial and Non-Judicial staff. The proposal would include enhancement requests, but they asked for KACSO and other associations involved to not seek anything additional for the current year.

  • On 3/12/18 the KACSO board members conducted a conference call regarding this matter and took a vote on a motion to support the plan as presented by OJA at this time. All were in favor and the motion was passed.

  • Rural Caucus:

  • OJA reached out to the KACSO board back in January about possibly teaming up with other associations to host a lunch for the House Rural Caucus in which we would be given an opportunity to address approximately 40 legislative members about our concerns with the budget and need for Non-Judicial raises. The board voted to participate in conjunction with the other associations

  • The luncheon went very well with Mike Clark (21st) presenting on behalf of the association.

  • New Case Management System:

  • Process continues to move along and phase training will be implemented across the state.

  • OJA continues to look for CSO’s interested in being part of “Train the Trainer” group for future implementation.

Committee Reports:

  • Training:

  • Carly Feldhausen (3rd) thanked the committee for the work on the conference and also thanked those in attendance for their cooperation and understanding for the session that was cancelled.

  • Surveys regarding the conference will be sent out in the following week. Requested the association to voice any questions, concerns, comments or future training ideas on the survey.


  • Site Selection:

  • Fall 2018 – Mayetta

  • Spring 2019 – Manhattan

  • Fall 2019 – Currently in talks with the KS Star Casino in Mulvane but will look at survey results from this conference to determine if Wichita is a possible option.

  • Legislative:

  • Most news on current happenings were covered in the President’s report.

  • Next legislative meeting is scheduled for 4/17/18.

  • No other news to report.

  • Membership and Nominations:

  • Executive Board elections upcoming this fall

  • Public Relations:

  • Nothing new to report

OJA Report:

  • Chris Mechler present on the following:

  • Thanked the association for all the well wishes on her recent surgery and also thanked the association for cooperation with the workload study. She advised that at this time 95% have completed the survey and that the website will be open for a short time for final data entry.

  • The next step on the workload study is the formation of 15 member focus groups that will begin meeting in May.

  • Work on the new case management system continues to progress. Tyler recently looked at the Clerks’ side of the system and will begin looking at the CSO case management side starting in May.

  • OJA is currently looking into possible training on E-Filing

  • CEU’s need to be completed in June. Information for on-line Training and webinars has been sent out

Old Business

  • KACSO Raffle:

  • Thanked the association for their help with the raffle which turned out to be a great success. All 1,000 tickets were sold and so far the raffle is going well.

  • The board will be looking at the possibility of conducting future raffles once the current one has ended.

New Business

  • Executive Board Nominations:

  • The following Executive Board positions are up for re-election in the fall : President, Treasurer, Training Chair, Public Relations and Parliamentarian and the floor was opened up for nominations.

  • Julie Chenoweth (18th) nominated Kelsey Cox (18th) for Public Relations.

  • Sheila Hull (3rd) nominated Carly Feldhausen (3rd) for Training.

  • Brandee McArthur (4th) nominated Spence Koehn (4th) for Parliamentarian.

  • Audrey LeVota (4th) nominated Kelly Johnson (4th) for Treasurer.

  • John Hill (29th) nominated Chris Esquibel (29th) for President.

Pg. 3


  • Awards Banquet and Hospitality:

  • Awards banquet will be tonight with happy hour starting at 5:00. Hospitality room will be available until 10:00 following the banquet


Amanda Lovell (30th) moved to adjourn the meeting and Julie Chenoweth (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion to adjourn passed.

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