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January 18th, 2018 10:00am

Shawnee County Court Services

200 SE 7th St., Basement

Topeka, KS 66603


  • Chris Esquibel 29th (President); Tom Weishaar 1st (Vice-President); Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian); Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer); Brad Schuh 3rd (Legislative); Carly Feldhausen 3rd (Training); Kelsey Cox 18th (Public Relations); Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)

  • Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership and Nominations) – By Telephone

  • Amy Raymond (OJA)


  • Reading/Review of the Minutes:

  • Chris Esquibel (29th) calls the meeting to order

  • Review of minutes from June 2017 (past due) and November 2017 meetings with no corrections noted.

  • Ryan Duckers (29th) moves to approve the minutes as presented and Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion to accept minutes approved.

  • Treasurer’s Report – Kelly Johnson (4th):

  • Lobbyist Update

  • Current balance of Lobbyist dues as of the end of 2017 is $10,235.36 which includes all fundraisers, donations and contributions.

  • Amendment to September 2017 report

  • Added $389.52 expense under Conference General Expenses which brought the ending balance to $30,684.75 at the end of September and the 3rd quarter.

  • October 2017 Treasurer’s Report

  • Submitted with an ending balance of $36,359.22

  • November 2017 Treasurer’s Report

  • Submitted with an ending balance of $25,045.77

  • Brad Schuh (3rd) moves to approve the reports as submitted and Kelsey Cox (18th) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.

  • Yearly Audit

  • Kelly advised that it was time for the yearly audit and requests a vote to approve paying Ruth Wheeler and Jean Halula $75.00 each plus mileage to conduct the audit.

  • Tom Weishaar (1st) moves to approve payment for audit and Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.


  • Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):

  • Spring Conference:

  • Carly is putting together Spring registration to be sent out in the next two weeks

  • Hotel registration deadline is 3/28

  • Social hour and banquet will be on Thursday night

  • Upcoming Conferences:

  • Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS October 17-19 (Contract)

  • Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS April 10-12 (Contract )

  • Fall 2019 – Still looking at Casino in Mulvane, KS. Salina option also brought up and Chris will contact both in regards to getting information.

  • Legislative - Brad Schuh (3rd):

  • Community Corrections put out rough draft of their legislative agenda a couple of weeks ago. Among other things it indicates that they are against consolidation at this time

  • Discussed putting together a flier regarding KACSO platform to distribute to the membership. Chris and Brad to collaborate on this.

  • Justice Nuss gave his state of the judiciary address yesterday. The request for budget enhancements was not included in the Governors’ budget recommendation.

  • Next legislative meeting is on 2/13

  • Public Relations - :

  • Will be sending out invites and notices to vendors for spring conference in Feb.

  • Continue to look into other options to increase vendors at conference.

  • No other news

  • Membership and Nomination - Stephanie Springer (27th):

  • Very little feedback from the association regarding nominations for association awards. Agreed to proceed as we have done in the past, so nominations will be sent out later this month. Deadline for return of nominations will be 2/25.


  • Discussion about the House Rural Caucus that meets on Wednesdays. They reached out to OJA about the possibility of KACSO sponsoring a lunch wherein we could talk to them about our concerns with the Judicial Branch budget.

  • Discussed the possibility of partnering with KDJA and KADCCA to sponsor the lunch. KADCCA is on board but not sure about KDJA

  • Spence Koehn (4th) makes a motion to authorize Chris Esquibel to allocate up to $300 for the luncheon if the other two associations agree to equal donations and speaking time. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconds the motion. Discussion had and vote taken. Motion approved on a vote of 8-1 (Kelsey Cox 18th - Nay)

  • Legislative hearings next week on HB 2453 and HB 2455

  • Amy will be testifying on HB 2456 next week. If anyone wants to submit testimony on this, please do so by next Tuesday

  • HB 2454 is not set for hearing at this time

  • EPICS training in February and is open to all CSO’s


  • KACSO Raffle Fundraiser:

  • Ticket sales have been going really well and as of today approx. 845 tickets have been sold

  • Stephanie advises that any money brought today can be turned into Kelly, and requests that we e-mail her info on the ticket #’s sold

  • Only about 10 people have not returned unsold tickets, but some are in the process of being sent back.

  • Returned tickets will be re-issued for sale to members who have requested additional tickets.

  • First drawing to be held at the end of February

  • Weighted Caseload Study:

  • The study starts on 2/26 and will run for 5 weeks. A memo is being sent out regarding the dates and times for the training webinars which will be offered the week prior to the 26th.

  • Lobbyist Contributions from Districts:

  • Further discussion on process for handling those Districts that wish to pay lobbyist dues out of county budgets.

  • It was suggested that instead of those funds going to the lobbyist dues, we could request that counties pay for or sponsor speakers, lunches etc.


  • E-Courts :

  • Contract was signed for the vendor and the project continues to move forward.

  • Program will be implemented across the state in phases over a four year period.

  • Requests will be going out for those interested in being trained on the new system for purposes of being able to train others in the future.


  • Chris will be sending out condolence card to former JOCO Chief CSO due to the loss of her husband.


  • $164.04 – Kelsey Cox (Mileage)

  • $67.50 – Tom Weishaar (Mileage)

  • $68.55 – Stephanie Springer (Postage for KACSO Raffle)

  • $252.00 – Survey Monkey for 2018

  • $106.54 – Walgreens (Gift cards for retirements of Jim Draves (29th) and Tom Whitworth (10th)

  • $50.00 – Designer Shoe Warehouse (Gift card for retirement of Althea Townsend (29th)

  • Carly Feldhausen (3rd) moves to pay all bills as submitted. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion approved.


  • No new business


  • The next meeting with be on February 15th, 2018 at 10:00am in Topeka, KS


  • Stephanie Springer (27th) moves to adjourn the meeting and Kelsey Cox (18th) seconds the motion. All in favor and Motion approved.

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