November 16, 2017 – 10:00am
Lyon County Courthouse
430 Commercial St.
Emporia, KS 66801
Chris Esquibel 29th (President); Tom Weishaar 1st (Vice-President); Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian); Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer); Brad Schuh 3rd (Legislative); Carly Feldhausen 3rd (Training); Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations); Kelsey Cox 18th (Public Relations); Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
Chris Esquibel (29th) calls the meeting to order
Minutes from October executive board meeting reviewed. Errors noted on upcoming conference dates and dollar amount in the Bills section and corrections to be made.
Stephanie Springer (27th) moves to accept minutes with noted corrections. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Chris still working on June 2017 minutes and will present for approval in December
Treasurer’s Report – Kelly Johnson (4th):
Lobbyist Update
Current balance of Lobbyist dues are $8,422.54
October Treasurer’s Report
Report not completed yet. To be completed and submitted at December meeting
Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):
Review of survey results from fall conference in Junction City. Membership responses were good for the most part and received comments regarding ideas for nominations and awards.
Total bills from the conference were around $10,000 but numbers are not finalized yet.
Request was made to post the dates, times and locations of future board meetings so that association members can attend if they want to. Information will be posted on the website and Facebook page.
Look into Spanish training for future conference.
Discussed possible activities for Wichita conference
Upcoming Conferences:
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS in April 4-6 (Contract)
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS October 17-19 (Contract)
Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS April 10-12 (Contract )
Legislative - Brad Schuh (3rd):
Sentencing commission meeting is this afternoon
Looking to remove registration requirements for drug offenders and also opening up SB 123 to level 4 Distribution cases.
Looking at adjusting penalties regarding Marijuana / THC
HB2170 not working as planned. Looking at adjusting Dunks and introducing new wording on the Dips
JV reform Oversight Committee continues to work but has had some issues recently within the committee
Next Legislative meeting is in January
Public Relations - :
Vendor turnout at fall conference not great. One registered vendor did not show up. Fee was not refunded
Continue to look into other options to increase vendors at conference.
No other news
Membership and Nomination - Stephanie Springer (27th):
Executive Board Nominations:
Association renewal notices have been sent out to all districts
Discussion of how to increase nominations for awards for CSO of the year etc.
EPICS training is now open to adult CSO’s
KDOC continuing to push agenda to the JV Reform Oversight Committee
Gun Raffle Fundraiser:
Very good response from the association in regards to support and possible ticket sales
Reviewed selected firearms and associated costs.
Set amount of $450 for value of the Gift Card
Reviewed flier information and ticket design. Spence will get tickets ordered and send finalized flier
Stephanie volunteered to be the contact person for ticket distribution and tracking
Decided that cutoff date to return unsold tickets will be 1/15/18
Finalized information and fliers to be sent out to the association in the next couple of weeks
T-Shirt Fundraiser:
Deadline to order shirts from the 5th JD fundraiser is 12/1.
Reminder will be sent out to association
2018 Board Meeting Dates :
2018 meeting dates set and reviewed.
March 2018 meeting date changed to March 8th, 2018
All other dates agreed upon and set.
Weighted Caseload Study:
Study will start in late February and is scheduled to run through the end of March
Training webinars will be provided a couple of weeks prior to start of the study
Webinars will be provided on several different days and will be conducted multiple times per day
Focus groups will look at information obtained and committee will meet in April and May
Lobbyist Contributions from Districts:
Question has been raised by several districts about the possibility of paying lobbyist dues for officers in their districts out of their budgets.
Discussion that while some districts might be able to do this, there are many that will not
Previous discussion with lobbyist about this and will reach out to him again for further clarification
Issue possibly needs to be brought up at next Chiefs’ meeting
Chris sent a condolence card to Nancy Dixon on behalf of the board for the passing of her husband
Thank you correspondence will be sent out to conference attendees from OJA, Junction City guests etc.
$103.96 – Kelsey Cox (Mileage)
$125.80 – Tom Weishaar (Mileage)
$115.56 – Stephanie Springer (Mileage)
$250.00 – CNA Surety (Bonding Insurance)
$188.42 – Kevin Murray ( Regional Training Lunch)
Carly Feldhausen (3rd) moves to pay all bills as submitted. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion approved.
No new business
The next meeting with be on December 14, 2017 at 10:00am in Topeka, KS.
Kelly Johnson(4th) made a motion to adjourn, Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion approved.