October 17, 2017 – 2:00pm
310 Hammons Dr.
Junction City, KS 66441
Chris Esquibel 29th (President); Tom Weishaar 1st (Vice-President); Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian); Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer); Brad Schuh 3rd (Legislative); Carly Feldhausen 3rd (Training); Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations); and Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
Chris Esquibel (29th) calls the meeting to order
Minutes from September executive board meeting reviewed. Two errors noted and will be corrected.
Carly Feldhausen (3rd) moves to accept minutes with noted corrections. Stephanie Springer (27th) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Chris still working on June 2017 minutes and will present for approval in November.
Treasurer’s Report – Kelly Johnson (4th):
Lobbyist Update
Current balance of Lobbyist dues are $6,236.54
August Treasurer’s Report
Report was distributed and reviewed with a August ending balance of $33,335.00. 3rd quarter balance as of the end of September is $31,074.27.
Brad Schuh (3rd) moves to accept the report as presented and Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2017 Marriott Junction City, KS on October 18-20 (Contract)
Finalized details for conference starting tomorrow.
Review of BEO’s from hotel.
50/50 raffle winner to be announced at breakfast on Friday.
Recognition award will be presented to Chris Mechler.
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS in April 4-6 (Contract)
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Casino – Mayetta, KS October 17-19 (Contract)
Spring 2019 Four Points – Manhattan, KS April 10-12 (Contract )
Discussion regarding location of future conferences and will likely look to keep locations in Wichita, Manhattan and Mayetta.
Legislative - Brad Schuh (3rd):
Legislative update session will be held on Friday.
Discussed State v. Horselooking ruling
Lobbyist has asked for suggestions / ideas on JV reform be submitted to him by 10/30/17.
Stephanie advised she recently had meeting with her Chief Judge and Clerk wherein discussion was had regarding OJA staying in the loop when it comes to our Lobbyist and the direction the association wants to head and the possibility of a Liaison between KACSO and OJA
Public Relations - :
Nothing new
Membership and Nomination - Stephanie Springer (27th):
Executive Board Nominations:
All ballots received have been totaled and current board members were voted to retain their positions.
Swearing in of newly elected officers will be done at the welcome tomorrow
Discussion of nominations and awards for CSO of the year etc. Stephanie advises nominations are fewer and fewer and advised that she is going to reach out to the membership for opinions and suggestions on how if we should continue with awards and how to increase nominations from all counties.
Representatives from OJA will be at conference this week to provide updates and information at the business lunch
A committee has been formed and will be meeting in November and December to discuss the Weighted Caseload Work study that will be happening in the upcoming months.
Gun Raffle Fundraiser:
Continued discussion of proceeding with the raffle
Spence printed up sign-up sheets that will be placed at check-in desk in hopes of getting an estimate of the number of people willing to participate and the number of tickets they believe they could possibly sell.
E-mail will be sent out the following week to the association members not attending the conference with the same sign-up sheet.
Decision to move forward with the raffle will be based upon response from association.
T-Shirt Fundraiser :
Association members from the 5th JD have asked KACSO for permission to sell KACSO shirts as a possible fundraiser for lobbyist dues. Approval was given for them to proceed with this.
Membership and Conference Fees :
Discussion on increase of fees for KACSO yearly membership and also of Conference registration fees.
Motion : Spence Koehn (4th) moves to raise the membership fees to $60.00 for 2018 and $75.00 for 2019. Stephanie Springer (27th) seconds the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion Carries.
Conference Presenter Fee / Donation:
Carly advised that presenters Dr. Christie and Curt Brungardt did not request a presenter fee for their session “From Tragedy to Action”, but instead requested a donation to their foundation in an amount the board felt appropriate.
Motion : Tom Weishaar (1st) moves to make donation in the amount of $300.00. Spence Koehn (4th) seconds the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion passed.
$250.00 – APPA
$106.28 – Ed’s Trophies (Chris Mechler recognition award and Cornhole Trophies)
$33.36 – Walmart (Totes and Flash drives)
$42.28 – Quill (Paper for conference attendance certificates)
$321.99 – Topeka Blueprint (Printing for conference materials)
Stephanie Springer (27th) moved to pay all bills as submitted. Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion approved.
No new business
The next meeting with be on November 16, 2017 at 10:00am in Emporia, KS.
Kelly Johnson(4th) made a motion to adjourn, Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and none opposed. Motion approved.