MAY 2017 Minutes
May 18th, 2017 10:00am
200 SE 7th St
Topeka, KS
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer); Carly Feldhausen, 3rd (Training); Brad Schuh, 3rd (Legislative); Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations); Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations); and Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary)
Amy Raymond (Director of Trial Court Programs)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
April 2017 Executive meeting minutes were distributed along with April 2017 Bi-Annual Business meeting minutes.
Members to review and send any corrections to Ryan Duckers (29th) prior to the June meeting. Corrected copies will be sent out to the board prior to the June meeting at which time vote will be taken for approval.
Treasurer’s Report – Kelly Johnson (4th):
Lobbyist Update
Current balance of Lobbyist dues is $4,694.00. This includes money from the Raffle and sale of cups
Currently waiting on checks from conference to clear as everyone has been paid.
Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2017 Marriott Junction City, KS on October 18-20 (Contract)
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS in April 4-6 (Contract)
Fall 2018 Prairie Band Resort Mayetta, KS October 17-19 (Contract)
Set 2019 Conference Dates – April 10, 11 and 12 in Manhattan and October 16, 17 and 18 in Wichita
2017 Spring Conference:
Summary for conference survey was sent out. Mostly positive responses.
2017 Fall Conference in Junction City:
Training Committee is scheduled to meet in two weeks
Securing EBP Leadership training, Social Media and SASSI certification
Public Relations - Kelsey Cox (18th):
Suggestion to look at raising vendor fees for conferences. Will be revisited prior to fall conference
Discussion on vendor cancellations. Will make change that fee is non-refundable within 14 days of conference
Discussed conference give-a-ways and other merchandise to possibly sell.
Membership and Nomination - Stephanie Springer (27th):
Executive Board Nominations:
Four seats up for election in the fall were nominated at conference.
Letters of interest to be submitted
E-mail reminder will be sent out reminding the membership about nominations.
August Board meeting will be moved to August 10th, 2017 so ballots can be mailed out at that time.
Legislative – Brad Schuh (3rd):
367/2264 – Juvenile Justice Reform and Graduated Responses is getting closer to finalization. Study group was set up for Immediate Intervention Program led by Judge Powers.
Budget – No news as legislature has still not agreed on anything.
OJA Report – Amy Raymond (OJA)
SB 42 is waiting on senate approval
Training protocol for Judges and DA’s to be released in near future
Continued work on Detention Risk Assessment tool. Work group meeting quarterly regarding adjustments.
Chris Mechler is working on setting up fall EPICS training and on getting e-learning modules on-line.
Chris Mechler is also looking at issues with training provided by UCI. Overall response to training has been poor.
Chris Esqubel (29th) asks about OJA putting hotel room rentals on a credit card instead of having officers pay and then get reimbursed.
Tom Weishaar (1st) requests that more training be scheduled in the Northeast Region
Carly Feldhausen (3rd) inquires about having a legislative / sentencing guidelines update at the conference in Junction City.
CSO Advisory Committee:
No news
OJA Training Committee:
Education Needs Assessment focus group meeting next week.
No news
YLS Working Group:
Will be meeting again soon and are still working on adopting cut-off scores.
Gun raffle discussed
Mike Clark (21st) has talked to a gun vendor who is willing to participate for 10%
Discussed putting together a committee to gather more information and formulate a plan
Chris Esquibel (29th) agreed to talk to the lobbyist regarding the possibility of raffle.
Lobbyist Dues:
Chris Esquibel (29th) will send out e-mail reminder to membership regarding lobbyist dues.
Hospitality Room (KADCCA):
Discussion in regards to contributing money towards a hospitality room at the management training next week that is being sponsored by District Court Clerks Association.
MOTION:Spence Koehn (4th) moves to sponsor keg up to $400.00 for the hospitality room. Brad Schuh (3rd) seconds the motion. All in favor and motion carried 9-0.
Conference Thank You Letters:
Chris sent out letters to Sen. Hardy, Chief Justice Nuss, Justice Rosen and other OJA staff to thank them for their attendance at the conference.
$50.00 Cabela’s Gift Card (Ken Kraxberger, (31st) retirement)
$64.80 Tom Weishaar (1st)
$163.04 Kelsey Cox (18th)
$172.80 Stephanie Springer (27th)
Carly Feldhausen (3rd) moved to pay all bills as submitted. Ryan Duckers (29th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion carried 9-0
No new business
The next meeting with be on June 15th, 2017 at 10:00am in Topeka, KS.
Stephanie Springer(27th) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried 9-0.