November 17, 2016 – 10:00 a.m.
430 Commercial St.
Emporia, Kansas 66801
Room 201 Jury Assembly Room
Chris Esquibel, 29th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Carly Feldhausen, 3rd (Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Public Relations); Cody McArthur, 3rd (Legislative); and Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Cody McArthur (3rd) made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 18, 2016 board meeting, and Kelsey Cox (18th) second the motion; motion carried 8-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
The October Budget Report will be distributed at the next meeting.
The lobbyist contribution total is currently at $13,918.00.
Training – Carly Feldhausen (3rd):
The 2016 Conference Survey responses were emailed out to the board members.
The board discussed future conference activities, and about bringing back the LSIR training at conference to get CEUs.
The Training Committee will speak with OJA about financing and reimbursement for miles/hotel for members who want to attend the LSIR training at conference to get their CEUs.
Upcoming Conferences:
Spring 2017 at Prairie Band on April 19-21
Fall 2017 at the Junction City Marriott on October 18-20
Spring 2018 Holiday Inn – Wichita, KS in April
Fall 2018 Manhattan or Prairie Band sometime in October
Legislative - Cody McArthur (3rd):
SB367: Juvenile Bill:
Final thoughts and concerns will be sent to OJA at the end of November, and will also be sent to the Judges Association and the Magistrate Association.
It was requested that the Legislative Committee members email Cody McArthur (3rd) with their list of concerns.
Will probably have a legislative review this year.
The Consolidation Committee is working on a draft of how they would like to proceed if consolidation is to arise.
There are 3 meetings left.
The report will be due to Justice Nuss by November 29, 2016.
The report should be finalized this Monday.
Not sure if the draft will be open to members/public or not.
Steve Kearney & Associates have been attending all the committee meetings that they have been allowed to sit in on.
Cody McArthur (3rd) will ask Steve Kearney when he would be able to meet with the board.
The board discussed sending out a form in December 2016, asking members if they support the lobbyist and how much they would be willing to contribute. Will look into possibly sending out a survey.
Next Legislative Meeting:
The next meeting will be on December 6, 2016 at 11:00am in Topeka.
Public Relations – Kelsey Cox (18th):
Board members need to contact their local providers to see if they would like to advertise on the KACSO website. They can also send the information to Kelsey Cox (18th) so she can contact them.
Membership and Nomination – Stephanie Springer (27th)
Membership Renewal:
Was sent out November 8, 2016 to Chiefs.
The board discussed raising membership and conference fees.
No New updates
CSO Advisory Committee:
Meeting in December
No new updates.
Collaborative Legislative Group:
Meeting tomorrow at 10:00am.
The Attorney’s Association is strongly against SB367.
OJA Training Committee (Education Needs Assessment Focus Group):
Conference call yesterday.
New management training was discussed.
Government Affairs:
The board discussed members of the committee: Loyce Smith (8th); Clair Helm (28th); Lisa Fleming (10th)
E Courts:
The final RFP is due in a couple of weeks.
The board discussed the hiring of someone with a 2 year degree plus experience.
The board discussed old documents, and how long to keep them.
MOTION: Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion that all paper/electronic paperwork, excluding minutes and financial documents, should be keep for 5 years.
Cody McArthur (3rd) second the motion – all in favor 8-0.
New board meeting dates were emailed out.
Nothing New.
$103.46 in mileage/tolls for Kelsey Cox (18th)
$126.36 in mileage for Tom Weishaar (1st)
$53.81 to Stephanie Springer (27th) for gift card
Jennifer Fogg (1st) moved Spencer Koehn (4th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 8-0.
STANDING RULES – Spence Koehn (4th):
No new updates.
The next meeting with be on December 15, 2016 at 10:00am in Junction City, KS.
Spencer Koehn (4th) made a motion to adjourn, Carly Feldhausen (3rd) seconded. Motion carried 8-0.