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June 23, 2016 – 10:00 a.m.

Club House Inn

924 SW Henderson Rd.

Topeka, KS


  • Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations); Cody McArthur, 3rd (Legislative); and Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations)

  • Chris Mechler (Court Services Specialist) and Amy Raymond (Director of Trial Court Programs)


  • Reading/Review of the Minutes:

  • The Interim President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.

  • Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 19, 2016 board meeting, and Kelsey Cox (18th) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.

  • Treasurer’s Report:

  • The April Budget Report ($52,813.46) was distributed, along with the March and 1st Quarter Report Amendment.

  1. MOTION: Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to accept the following amendments to the March and 1st Quarter reports: The $25.00 check for the raffle license was voided since it was not needed; the $91.68 in office supplies were not purchased on the debit card entered into Quickbooks before running the March report; and as a result, there was a $66.68 discrepancy with the March and April ending balances.

* Mike Clark (21st) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.

  • The lobbyist contribution total is $10,458.00.


  • Training – Mike Clark (21st):

  • There is a committee member interested in take over as Training Chair.

  • Looking into getting items with the KACSO logo to sell at conference.

  • Looking into doing a brewery tour; baseball watch party at Power and Light; and/or Top Golf for the next conference social.

  • Upcoming Conferences:

  • Fall 2016 at the Holiday Inn in Overland Park on October 19-21.

  • Spring 2017 at Prairie Band on April 19-21.

  • Fall 2017 at the Junction City Marriott on October 18-20.

  • Spring 2018 Drury Contract, but will look into the Holiday Inn site.

  • Legislative - Cody McArthur (3rd):

  • HB2502 - Carrying of Firearms:

  • The bill prohibits public employers from restricting or prohibiting through personnel policies any employee legally qualified to conceal carry from carrying a concealed handgun while engaged in employment duties outside the employer’s place of business, including while in a means of conveyance.

  • OJA stated that they would look into Court Service’s Policy. The board agreed to ask OJA once more regarding what the policy should be.

  • OJA recommends following policy and not the law until further notice.

  • Kearney and Associates: Cody McArthur (3rd) met with Steve Kearney who said he will be taking over Patrick Vogelsberg’s position.

  • Next Legislative Meeting:

  • The meetings for July and August have been cancelled, and meetings will resume on September 13, 2016 at 11:00am in Topeka.

  • Public Relations – Kelsey Cox (18th):

  • Website:

  • Another tab is going to be added for vendors, and Chris Esquibel (29th) is meeting with his friend tomorrow to get this started.

  • Membership and Nomination – Stephanie Springer (27th)

  • Nominations:

  • Nominations have been received for President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Public Relations, and Training Chair.

  • The letters of intent for President; Treasurer; Training Chair; Parliamentarian; and Public Relations are due by July 31, 2016. A reminder will be sent out next week.

  • Ballot stuffing will happen in August.

OJA REPORT – Chis Mechler and Amy Raymond:

  • Consolidation:

  • The OJA consolidation committee hasn’t been formed yet. The KACSO Board requested that at least 1 KACSO board member be added to the committee.

  • OJA believes that Bill 367 will play a big part in consolidation.

  • DOC believes that because the bill states that DOC can take all moderate to high YLS score cases, then Court Services would receive all 0-9 YLS score cases.

  • Asked if KACSO could post the OJA51 reports monthly onto our website, and it was stated that it shouldn’t be a problem.

  • DUI Refusals:

  • The US Supreme Court ruled Thursday that States cannot make it a crime to refuse a blood test but can a breath test.

  • LSIR/YLS Online:

  • YLS online is on the agenda, and September will probably be the test date.

  • The online LSIR will have a section that will remind you when scores need to be updated.

  • There is a summary report that can be printed off to attach to the back of the PSI/PDI.

  • Access will not be given to anyone other than CSOs.

  • Training:

  • New CSO YLS training for next year will be August 23/24/25 in Wichita, KS; September 21/22/23 in Manhattan, KS.

  • New CSO LSIR training for next year will be November 1/2/3.

  • Continuing Education training: on line training will be offered on October 4 in Wichita, KS; on October 5 in Hays, KS; and on October 6 in Topeka, KS.

  • OJA is considering purchasing e-learning from University of Cincinnati to complete the 4 hours of education CEUs CSOs need for Spring.

  • Some other options being looking into: at least 2 sessions of Epics training. Will only be able to hold 30 CSOs per session, so 1st come 1st served.

  • Winter scoring training will be offered online again. Dates and time should be available by November.

  • Case Planning Training: will be offered August 23/24/25 in Wichita, KS; September 20/21 in Manhattan, KS; November 1/2/3/4 in Topeka, KS. Everyone who supervises Juveniles will need to go to this training.

  • Will look into Epics 2 to be provided at conference.

  • Quality of Training:

  • OJA will let Judges know what kind of training CSOs receive, and who we receive it from so they know that we get the best possible training offered.

  • LSI-R Scoring Guide:

  • University of Cincinnati has changed the scoring guide that CSOs use, and DOC still has not changed their guide. So currently CSOs use the correct criteria to score LSI-Rs, where DOC does not.

  • Longevity:

  • OJA believes that longevity is still in effect.

  • YLS Cutoff Scores:

  • July 20, 2016 will be the 1st meeting on the setting of YLS scores.

  • 2 CSOs will be on this committee, and Stephanie Springer (27th) will be one of the CSOs.


  • CSO Advisory Board – Manuals, LSIR Workgroup:

  • No new updates.

  • CYZAP:

  • The online LSIR will be up and running by July 1, 2016 to all districts.

  • Training for LSIR “trainers” will be held from June 22 to June 24. It will be 3 hours long, and the trainers will then go back and train the CSOs in their district.

  • Collaborative Legislative Group:

  • The salary update will be submitted by September 18, 2016, when the budget needs to be submitted.

  • It was expressed to OJA that more communication and updates on what is going on is requested by KACSO.

  • Not sure when the next meeting will be.

  • OJA Training Committee (Education Needs Assessment Focus Group):

  • All CSOs were asked about what training is needed.

  • Not sure when the next meeting will be.

  • Government Affairs:

  • The KACSO board agreed to discuss if having a Government Affairs Committee would be beneficial.

  • Duties will be written up and hopefully submitted by August.


  • Nothing new to report.


  • Nothing new to report.


  • $50.00 for the Club House Inn conference room rental.

  • $217.34 in mileage; gift card; card; and turnpike for Kelsey Cox (18th)

  • $67.50 in mileage for Tom Weishaar (1st)

  • $49.14 in mileage for Mike Clark (21st)

  • $230.072 in mileage; 2 gift cards; and 2 cards for Stephanie Springer (27th)

  • Cody McArthur (3rd) moved and Jennifer Fogg (1st) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.


  • Nothing new to report.


  • The board agreed to skip the July 23, 2016 meeting in Emporia, KS, so the next meeting will be August 25, 2016 in Junction City, KS.


  • Kelsey Cox (18th)) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

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