June 23, 2016 – 10:00 a.m.
Club House Inn
924 SW Henderson Rd.
Topeka, KS
Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations); Cody McArthur, 3rd (Legislative); and Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations)
Chris Mechler (Court Services Specialist) and Amy Raymond (Director of Trial Court Programs)
Reading/Review of the Minutes:
The Interim President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 19, 2016 board meeting, and Kelsey Cox (18th) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
The April Budget Report ($52,813.46) was distributed, along with the March and 1st Quarter Report Amendment.
MOTION: Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to accept the following amendments to the March and 1st Quarter reports: The $25.00 check for the raffle license was voided since it was not needed; the $91.68 in office supplies were not purchased on the debit card entered into Quickbooks before running the March report; and as a result, there was a $66.68 discrepancy with the March and April ending balances.
* Mike Clark (21st) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.
The lobbyist contribution total is $10,458.00.
Training – Mike Clark (21st):
There is a committee member interested in take over as Training Chair.
Looking into getting items with the KACSO logo to sell at conference.
Looking into doing a brewery tour; baseball watch party at Power and Light; and/or Top Golf for the next conference social.
Upcoming Conferences:
Fall 2016 at the Holiday Inn in Overland Park on October 19-21.
Spring 2017 at Prairie Band on April 19-21.
Fall 2017 at the Junction City Marriott on October 18-20.
Spring 2018 Drury Contract, but will look into the Holiday Inn site.
Legislative - Cody McArthur (3rd):
HB2502 - Carrying of Firearms:
The bill prohibits public employers from restricting or prohibiting through personnel policies any employee legally qualified to conceal carry from carrying a concealed handgun while engaged in employment duties outside the employer’s place of business, including while in a means of conveyance.
OJA stated that they would look into Court Service’s Policy. The board agreed to ask OJA once more regarding what the policy should be.
OJA recommends following policy and not the law until further notice.
Kearney and Associates: Cody McArthur (3rd) met with Steve Kearney who said he will be taking over Patrick Vogelsberg’s position.
Next Legislative Meeting:
The meetings for July and August have been cancelled, and meetings will resume on September 13, 2016 at 11:00am in Topeka.
Public Relations – Kelsey Cox (18th):
Another tab is going to be added for vendors, and Chris Esquibel (29th) is meeting with his friend tomorrow to get this started.
Membership and Nomination – Stephanie Springer (27th)
Nominations have been received for President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Public Relations, and Training Chair.
The letters of intent for President; Treasurer; Training Chair; Parliamentarian; and Public Relations are due by July 31, 2016. A reminder will be sent out next week.
Ballot stuffing will happen in August.
OJA REPORT – Chis Mechler and Amy Raymond:
The OJA consolidation committee hasn’t been formed yet. The KACSO Board requested that at least 1 KACSO board member be added to the committee.
OJA believes that Bill 367 will play a big part in consolidation.
DOC believes that because the bill states that DOC can take all moderate to high YLS score cases, then Court Services would receive all 0-9 YLS score cases.
Asked if KACSO could post the OJA51 reports monthly onto our website, and it was stated that it shouldn’t be a problem.
DUI Refusals:
The US Supreme Court ruled Thursday that States cannot make it a crime to refuse a blood test but can a breath test.
LSIR/YLS Online:
YLS online is on the agenda, and September will probably be the test date.
The online LSIR will have a section that will remind you when scores need to be updated.
There is a summary report that can be printed off to attach to the back of the PSI/PDI.
Access will not be given to anyone other than CSOs.
New CSO YLS training for next year will be August 23/24/25 in Wichita, KS; September 21/22/23 in Manhattan, KS.
New CSO LSIR training for next year will be November 1/2/3.
Continuing Education training: on line training will be offered on October 4 in Wichita, KS; on October 5 in Hays, KS; and on October 6 in Topeka, KS.
OJA is considering purchasing e-learning from University of Cincinnati to complete the 4 hours of education CEUs CSOs need for Spring.
Some other options being looking into: at least 2 sessions of Epics training. Will only be able to hold 30 CSOs per session, so 1st come 1st served.
Winter scoring training will be offered online again. Dates and time should be available by November.
Case Planning Training: will be offered August 23/24/25 in Wichita, KS; September 20/21 in Manhattan, KS; November 1/2/3/4 in Topeka, KS. Everyone who supervises Juveniles will need to go to this training.
Will look into Epics 2 to be provided at conference.
Quality of Training:
OJA will let Judges know what kind of training CSOs receive, and who we receive it from so they know that we get the best possible training offered.
LSI-R Scoring Guide:
University of Cincinnati has changed the scoring guide that CSOs use, and DOC still has not changed their guide. So currently CSOs use the correct criteria to score LSI-Rs, where DOC does not.
OJA believes that longevity is still in effect.
YLS Cutoff Scores:
July 20, 2016 will be the 1st meeting on the setting of YLS scores.
2 CSOs will be on this committee, and Stephanie Springer (27th) will be one of the CSOs.
CSO Advisory Board – Manuals, LSIR Workgroup:
No new updates.
The online LSIR will be up and running by July 1, 2016 to all districts.
Training for LSIR “trainers” will be held from June 22 to June 24. It will be 3 hours long, and the trainers will then go back and train the CSOs in their district.
Collaborative Legislative Group:
The salary update will be submitted by September 18, 2016, when the budget needs to be submitted.
It was expressed to OJA that more communication and updates on what is going on is requested by KACSO.
Not sure when the next meeting will be.
OJA Training Committee (Education Needs Assessment Focus Group):
All CSOs were asked about what training is needed.
Not sure when the next meeting will be.
Government Affairs:
The KACSO board agreed to discuss if having a Government Affairs Committee would be beneficial.
Duties will be written up and hopefully submitted by August.
Nothing new to report.
Nothing new to report.
$50.00 for the Club House Inn conference room rental.
$217.34 in mileage; gift card; card; and turnpike for Kelsey Cox (18th)
$67.50 in mileage for Tom Weishaar (1st)
$49.14 in mileage for Mike Clark (21st)
$230.072 in mileage; 2 gift cards; and 2 cards for Stephanie Springer (27th)
Cody McArthur (3rd) moved and Jennifer Fogg (1st) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.
Nothing new to report.
The board agreed to skip the July 23, 2016 meeting in Emporia, KS, so the next meeting will be August 25, 2016 in Junction City, KS.
Kelsey Cox (18th)) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.