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March 17, 2016 – 10:00 a.m.

Drury Plaza

400 W. Douglas Ave. Wichita, KS 67202

AVI Private Dining Room


  • Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations)


  • Reading/Review of the Minutes:

  • The Interim President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order. February 18, 2016 and March 17, 2016 minutes will be reviewed at the April 12, 2016 meeting.

  • Treasurer’s Report – Spence Koehn (4th) reported on behalf of Kelly Johnson (4th):

  • The treasurer’s report will be reviewed at the April 12, 2016 meeting.

  • The audit for 2015 was moved to the last week of March. Ruth Wheeler (Court Administrator 5th) and Jean Halula-Dermann (29th) will be the ones completing the audit.


  • Training – Mike Clark (21st):

  • 2016 Spring Conference – Mike Clark (21st):

  • Mike Clark (21st) is working on who will introduce Judge Fleetwood from the 18th as the welcome speaker.

  • Chris Esquibel (29th) passed out a copy of the invitation to conference that he will be sending out to OJA. He will also send out an invitation through email to the Legislatures.

  • Tom Weishaar (1st) reported that the Department of Revenue contacted him regarding KACSOs application for fundraising, and was told that the application was not necessary since we did not expect to collect more than $25,000.

  • The board discussed having a banquet speaker, and all agreed not to have one.

  • Kelsey Cox (18th) reported that she had 3 State Troopers who wanted to attend the Friday 9am-12pm Legalization of Marijuana session, and wanted to know if we could work with them on the cost of attendance. The board discussed the amount to charge for a half day session, and agreed for a nonmember charge of $60.00 and $45.00 for members.

  1. MOTION: Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to adopt a new standing rule that a half day conference session be $60.00 for nonmembers and $45.00 for members. Mike Clark (21st) second the motion; motion carried 7-0.

  • Site Selection:

  • The final contract is out for Junction City, KS, and will be signed off on next Monday.

  • Next site selection will be at the Drury Inn in Wichita, KS for Spring 2018. If the conference in April 2016 goes well, KACSO will ask for them to write up another contract.

  • Legislative - Chris Esquibel (29th) spoke on behalf of Cody McArthur (3rd):

  • SB367 - Justice Workgroup

  • The bill passed out of the House Committee.

  • Cody McArthur testified on the bill last Friday.

  • The District Attorney’s Office has now moved to being Neutral for the bill.

  • HB2725 - KPERS:

  • This bill is likely dead, as the Chair has no intentions to work this bill.

  • Tom Weishaar (1st) testified against this bill, and stated that the other testimonies in opposition were good. It appeared that there were only a few Legislatures who seemed in favor of this bill.

  • SB503 – Consolidation:

  • This bill is dead, but is projected to return next year. DOC stated that they are planning on what they will submit for next year.

  • OJA was asked what their stance on this bill would be, and they stated that they wanted to wait and see what the Justices were going to do.

  • The board agreed that they would like to meet with OJA and the Justices to see what action Court Services should take.

  • $2 million dollars was spent on the efficiency study, and something will be done with that information.

  • SB66 - Carrying of Firearms:

  • This bill looks like it will move quickly. K&A stated that it is moving so quick that CSOs should not worry about it. The bill looks like it will be part of a large gun bill.

  • SB316 – Property Tax Lid:

  • Under a state law passed last year, city and county governments will have to hold a public vote if they want to raise spending by more than an adjusted Consumer Price Index rate to be set by the state of Kansas.

  • If voters don’t approve spending increases, cities and counties will have to cut their property tax rates to adjust to the spending level allowed by the state.

  • HB2704 – Raises:

  • This bill doesn’t appear to be advancing out of the House

  • Next Legislative Meeting:

  • March 22, 2016 at 11:00am in Topeka.

  • Public Relations – Kelsey Cox (18th):

  • Website:

  • Go Daddy has KACSO’s domain name and needs to renew. The cost is $16.99 and will need to be paid by June 6, 2016.

  • Membership and Nomination – Stephanie Springer (27th)

  • Award Recipient Information:

  • The board agreed to give the nominee the CSO of the Year award. The plaque will be ordered next week.

  • Banquet Program:

  • The board discussed whether or not to keep the “In Memory” section of the program, and all agreed to leave it in the program.

  • Once the program is completed, it will be sent to the board members for approval.


  • No Update


  • CSO Advisory Board – Manuals, LSIR Workgroup:

  • There will be a meeting in the next couple of weeks.

  • The board discussed how the Advisory Board should become CSOs “voice” again, and how it was ran a few years back.

  • Chris Esquibel (29th) agreed to bring up consolidation with the Advisory Board.

  • CYZAP:

  • Chris Esquibel (29th) reported that he was on a phone call this past Friday for about 3 hours, and has another call in a few week.

  • Collaborative Legislative Group:

  • Nothing new to report.

  • OJA Training Committee (Education Needs Assessment Focus Group):

  • Next step is sending out an email to all the Chiefs asking what training them and their staff believe CSOs need.

  • After the information is obtained, OJA will decide what will be mandatory for everyone and for each agency.


  • Spence Koehn (4th) has been going through the KACSO bi-laws and making changes. In a few months he will bring a list of the changes for the board to review.


  • Kelly Johnson (4th) sent a retirement card and gift card to Terry Morgan (5th)– Julie Whitney is the new Chief.

  • He also will send out invites to OJA and Legislatures regarding the conference.


  • Terry Morgan’s (5th) gift card: $53.49.

  • Mileage:

  • Tom Weishaar (1st) submitted a bill for $213.84 for mileage.

  • Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $260.30 for mileage and hotel.

  • Stephanie Springer (27th) moved and Tom Weishaar (1st) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.


  • No Update


  • April 12, 2016 2:00pm at the Drury Inn in Wichita, KS.


  • Mike Clark (21st) made a motion to adjourn, Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

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