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November 19, 201 5 Courtyard Marriott- Junction City, KS


  • Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice-President), Jennifer Fogg, 1st (Secretary), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Membership/Nominations), Cody McArthur, 3rd (Legislative), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations).


  • Reading/Review of the Minutes:

  • Interim President, Chris Esquibel (29th), called the meeting to order. Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to approve the minutes from October 20, 2015 board meeting. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

  • Treasurer's Report:

  • Lobbyist Contributions Update: Kelly Johnson (4th) reported the lobbyist contributions are at$11,525.00, and the goal is $16,000.00. The board discussed raffles and other fundraising ideas, and the status of registering KACSO as a nonprofit organization. Chris Esquibel (29th) reported that the paperwork was underway and will be submitted soon. The board discussed speaking with Kearney and Associates and suggesting alternative payment ideas. Some of which included: offering $15,000.00 for the annual fee, until we can get more CSOs onboard with supporting a lobbyist; or charging a low monthly fee and pay extra when services are utilized.

  • Budget Report: Kelly Johnson (4th) discussed the conference summary report, and it was distributed and discussed by the board.

  • Chris Esquibel (29th) made a motion to approve the October 21-23, 201 5 KACSO Fall Conference budget summary. Spence Koehn (4th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.


  • Training:

  • Manhattan Conference Survey Review: Mike Clark (21st) advised that the majority of the responses received back regarding the October 21-23, 2015 KACSO Fall Conference were positive. The board recognized Mike Clark (21st) and training committee members for their hard work and a job well done. The board discussed offering a way for CSOs to obtain their CEUs at the next conference.

  • Site Selection: The board completed a site visit at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel in Junction City, KS, for possible selection as the sight of the Fall 2017 conference.

  • The following dates and locations have been selected for the upcoming conferences:

11- April 13-15, 2016 in Wichita, KS at the Drury Inn Hotel

*October 19-21, 2016 in Overland Park, KS at the Holiday Inn

*April 19-21, 2017 in Mayetta, KS at the Prairie Band Resort

• Chris Esquibel (29th) advised that the board will need to look into the location of the Fall October 18- 20, 2017 conference, and suggested the Drury Inn Hotel in Wichita, KS for Spring 2018; which if agreed upon might be possible for a 2 year rotation.

  • Legislative:

  • Juvenile Justice Workgroup: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported on the upcoming 2016 Legislative session, and the movement to look at consolidation on the juvenile side based on the work with the PEW Foundation and the ongoing study of the juvenile system. It seems that some of the goals of the committee are to end the practice of placing low and moderate-risk youths in the Youth Correctional Facilities; to reduce the number of juvenile offenders in correctional facilities and in "out of home" placements; and to reduce the amount of time a juvenile serves under supervision. Once this becomes "Bill" form, is when CSOs need to pay attention and be as active as possible. Stephanie states that the draft leaves a lot up in the air regarding what roll each agency will play. She reported that it sounds like DOC does not what to continue supervising juveniles, but instead, focus on providing more programs for the juveniles. The board discussed the possibility of Court Services being delegated all juvenile supervision. The board agreed that once this is entered as a Bill, it should be the main focus of our lobbyist for the upcoming 2016 legislative session.

  • Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Legislative Board will be on December 1, 2015 at 11:00am at the Fatzer Court Room on the 3rd floor of OJA in Topeka, KS.

  • Public Relations:

  • Website: Kelsey Cox (1 8th) reported that the monthly cost of the hosting site will be $12.42, and can be paid by credit card. The board discussed who will be trained to use the website; and Chris Esquibel (29th); Jennifer Fogg (1st); Mike Clark (21st); and Kelsey Cox (18th) were selected. Kelsey also requested the contact information for the board members who will be featured on the website. She also requested a "welcome" paragraph for the home page.

• Email: Kelsey Cox (18th) reported that her emails are being sent to spam for everyone in the 14th district and a few people in other districts. She will reach out to those districts to see if they would like her to take them off her email list, or if it was an accident.

  • Membership and Nomination:

  • 2016 Membership Renewal Notices: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported that the membership renewal notices have been sent out.

  • Officer Awards: Stephanie Springer (27th reported that she will send out the requests the first week of

January 2016, and they will be due back by February 15, 2016.

  • OIA Report:

  • No Update


  • Fundraising Paperwork: will be filled out and filed by Chris Esquibel (29th),


  • Legislative Salary Committee:

  • The following names were submitted: Kelsey Cox (18th); Brian Swenson (28th); Theresa Brown (3rd); Stephanie Springer (27th); Julie Whitney (5th); and Tom Weishaar (1st). Waiting to hear back on who has been selected.

  • Upcoming Meetings: The next Executive Board meeting will be held on December 17, 2015 at 10:00am inTopeka, KS (location to be determined). A 2016 Executive Board meeting agenda has been provided to each board member.


  • Thank You Cards: Mike Clark (21st) will send out the thank you cards to the presenters, and Kelsey Cox (18th) will send out the thank you cards to the vendors. All other thank you cards to special guests and attendees have been completed by Chris Esquibel (29th).


  • Website Host: $1 2.42 a month

  • CNA Surety Bonding Insurance: $250 .00

  • Miles:

  • Stephanie Springer (27th) submitted a bill for $126.54 for mileage to/ from the executive board meeting.

  • Kelsey Cox (18th) submitted a bill for $1 58.00 for mileage to/from the execut ive board meeting.

  • Tom Weishaar (1st) submitted a bill for $143.64 for mileage to/ from executive board meeting.

  • Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $22.80 for mileage to / from executive board meeting.

  • Spence Koehn (4th) moved and Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 9-0.


  • No Update


  • The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be on December 17, 2015 at 10:00am in Topeka, KS

(Location to be determined).


  • Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to adjourn, Kelsey Cox (18th) seconded. Motion carried 9-0.

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