October 20, 2015
Four Points Hotel, Manhattan, KS
PRESENT: Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Interim Vice-President), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Kathleen Rieth, 10th (Legislative), Kelsey Cox, 18th (Interim Public Relations), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Interim Membership/Nominations) arrived late.
Interim President Chris Esquibel, (29th) called the meeting to order. Kelsey Cox (18th) made a motion to approve the minutes from September 16, 2015 board meeting. Spence Koehn (4th) seconded, motion carried 8-0.
TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) reported the lobbyist contributions are at $9.200.00. The treasurer balance for September 2015 is $43,940.16. Kelly advised the 3rd quarter treasurer report will be distributed at the business meeting. Spence Koehn (4th) moved to approve the July, August, September and 3rd quarter treasurer report, Kathleen Rieth (10th) seconded, motion carried 8-0. Kathleen Rieth (10th) moved to spend no more than $1000.00 on beverages, food, and candy for the hospitality room and registration table. Spence Koehn (4th) seconded, motion carried 8-0.
TRAINING: Mike Clark (21st) advised the brochure for the conference is complete. Mike reported Saline County Sheriff department will have DUI and marijuana goggles Thursday evening for conference participants to try on.
LEGISLATIVE: Kathleen Rieth (10th) reported the legislative committee will meet December 1, 2015 at OJA at 11:00am. Kathleen reported the committee will talk about the direction for the upcoming session. Kathleen reported OJA will be completing a non-judicial branch employee salary survey via Wichita State.
OJA: No report
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Kelsey Cox (18th) reported she has 13 vendors for the conference. She advised the web site continues being built.
MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported Cody McArthur (3rd) accepted the Legislative Chair position. Jennifer Fogg (1st) will be sworn in as the secretary, Tom Weishaar (1st) as Vice-President and Stephanie Springer (27th) as the Membership and Nominations Chair. Stephanie reported membership renewals will be sent out next week to Chief CSOs.
OLD BUSINESS: Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he will start completing the paperwork for the association to participate in the 50/50 raffle. Chris will speak with Kearney & Associates regarding individual districts having a 50/50 raffle and the proceeds going to fund the lobbyist.
Chris reported the CSO Advisory Committee is reviewing the adult and juvenile manuals. Advisory Committee members’ districts will be the pilot sites for the web based LSI-R. Supervisor training will occur November 17th & December 10th.
Stephanie Springer (27th) reported on the Kansas Juvenile Justice System Work Group. Stephanie advised the work group has 3 subgroups: Pre-adjudication/intake; post-adjudication/disposition and EBP/financial. Stephanie advised the juvenile matrix may be revised. There has been discussion about closing group homes; this could save 90 million dollars over a 5 year period. Stephanie stated there will not be any dual supervision. Supervision lengths could be tied to YLS scores.
NEW BUSINESS: Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he should receive some salary information the 1st part of 2016.
Mike Clark (21st) presented information about ILEETA in March 2016 regarding KACSO paying for him to attend. The board requested Mike bring more information about what will be presented at the conference and the board will make a decision regarding paying for the conference.
Kelsey Cox (18th) advised that her judicial district will not pay for her lodging on Tuesday of the conference. Kathleen Rieth (10th) moved to pay lodging costs for Tuesday of the conference. Mike Clark (21st) seconded, motion carried 9-0.
CORRESPONDENCE: Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he received 30 invitations regrets from legislators for the conference. Chris reported he received 3 responses from legislators coming to dinner.
Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $194.94 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting and mileage to/from Hutchinson to count ballots.
Kelsey Cox (18th) submitted a bill for $89.37 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.
Chris Esquibel (29th) submitted a bill for $11.36 for stamps. This was paid with the debit card.
Kelly Johnson submitted a bill for $721.50 for bylaw revision to Kearney & Associates and $2700.00 deposit for Rachel’s Challenge for Spring 2016 conference.
Mike Clark (21st) moved and Kathleen Rieth (10th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 9-0.
Stephanie Springer (27th) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 9-0.
The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be November 19, 2015 at 10:00am in Junction City at the Courtyard Marriott.