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July 16, 2015

Junction City Courthouse, Junction City, KS

PRESENT: Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Interim Vice-President), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Interim Membership/Nominations).

Interim President Chris Esquibel, (29th) called the meeting to order. Kelly Johnson (4th) made a motion to approve the minutes from June 11, 2015 board meeting. Stephanie Springer (27th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) emailed the May 2015 treasurer report to board members. The balance at the end of May was $52,323.77. Mike Clark (21st) moved to accept the May 2015 treasurer report, Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded, and motion carried 7-0.

The lobbyist contributions are $7,865.00.

TRAINING: Mike Clark (21st) advised presenters for the fall 2015 conference are being solidified. Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he spoke with Justice Rosen & he agreed to speak at the welcome of the Fall 2015 conference. Chris advised he will advise Justice Rosen on talking points for the welcome session.


Chris Esquibel (29th) suggested the board conduct a site visit later this fall the Junction City as a possible future conference site. November 2015 was discussed as a possible month to conduct the visit.

LEGISLATIVE: Chris Esquibel (29th) reported the legislative committee met with Kearney & Associates. The legislative committee discussed reclassification as a means to obtain raises for CSOs. The committee discussed with Kearney & Associates the importance of working with OJA on future legislative endeavors. The committee discussed the need to gather better data for presentations to legislators. Next Legislative meeting will be August 4th @ Topeka Public Library.

OJA: Stephanie Springer (27th) advised she is on a work group with the Council of State Government regarding juvenile offenders. Stephanie advised a survey was sent to all Chief CSOs, 14 responded.

Chris Esquibel (29th) advised YLS training will occur in Johnson County later this year. Tom Weishaar (1st) expressed concern the trainings OJA are offering are not scattered out across the state. Chris advised that OJA may send a representative to KACSO meeting to take notes.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: The board discussed the proposals submitted for the website overhaul. Chris Esquibel (29th) will communicate with Kelsey Cox (18th) the questions the board developed regarding the proposals and have Kelsey contact the vendors. Questions asked were 1) is there a cost to train multiple board members on the particulars of the website; 2) what is the time frame for website to be up and running; and 3) is it necessary to switch hosts, is one more user friendly and another.

MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: Stephanie Springer (27th) reported she has yet to receive a letter of intent for the legislative chair position on the KACSO board. Stephanie advised she will send out another letter to the membership regarding the Legislative position. Stephanie advised ballots need to be stuffed 2 months prior to conference. Kelsey Cox (18th) and Erin Engelken (9th) are available to assist in stuffing ballots. Kelly Johnson (4th) will get stamps and envelopes to Stephanie.

OLD BUSINESS: The Board discussed the retreat in Emporia with Kearney and Associates and decided one day is sufficient to complete the work needed. Chris Esquibel (29th) will contact Kearney & Associates and advise them the meeting will take place on August 27th @ 10:00am at the Lyon County Courthouse, Emporia, KS. Mike Clark (21st) moved to contact Kearney & Associates to review the constitution and bylaw in 4 hours of less. The board specifically would like to roles and responsibilities of board and committee members to be clarified as well as professional members for responsiveness. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded, motion passed 7-0.

Chris Esquibel (29th) advised he has received on RFP from members regarding direction for the legislative committee. The deadline is August 1st for submission.




Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $125.44 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $103.60 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting and mileage to/from the Correctional Care Coalition meeting in Emporia on July 9th, 2015.

Stephanie Springer (27th) moved and Tom Weishaar (1st) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.


Kelly Johnson (4th) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be the business meeting on August 27, 2015 at 10:00am in Emporia.

Chris Esquibel, Interim President Erin Engelken, Secretary

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