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April 21, 2015

Holiday Inn, Lawrence, KS

PRESENT: Kevin Murray, 21st (President), Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim Vice-President), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Spence Koehn, 4th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training), Kathleen Rieth, 10th (Legislative), Nicki Taylor Morris, 12th, (Public Relations) arrived at 2:30pm.

President Kevin Murray, (21st) called the meeting to order. Spence Koehn (4th) made a motion to approve the minutes from March 12, 2015 board meeting. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded, motion carried 7-0.

TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) emailed treasurer report to board members. The balance at the end of March and 1st quarter was 53.218.88. The balance at the end of February 2015 was $53,387.90. The first quarter treasurer report will be distributed to the membership at the business meeting on April 22, 2015. Mike Clark (21st) moved to accept the February, March and 1st quarter treasurer 2015 report. Spence Koehn (4th) seconded, motion carried 8-0.

Kelly reported the 2014 documents have been sent to the accountant in Kansas City. Kelly advised the accountant will file an extension.

Kelly reported the peer audit took place on April 9, 2015 in Ottawa. Ruth Wheeler (Court Administrator, 5th) and Jean Halula-Dermann (CSO III, 29th) completed the audit.

TRAINING: Mike Clark (21st) reported the conference is good to go. Mike reported the training committee is moving forward securing training for the Fall 2015.


Kevin Murray (21st) advised the contracts for KACSO conferences for the next two years have been finalized. Kevin recommended the board complete a site visit in the fall to look at future venues.


Kathleen Rieth (10th) advised legislation is in limbo due to legislators being on break. The legislative committee will not meet until the legislators reconvene after break.

OJA: No report.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Nicki Taylor-Morris advised there are 8 vendors for the conference. Nicki advised Smart Start donated the beverages for the social on April 22nd.

MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: Kevin Murray (21st) reported in Stephanie Springer’s (27th) absence. Kevin advised Chris Esquibel (29th) will move to Interim President, making the vice-president position vacant. Letters to the board for interim Vice-President and Public relations are due by May 1st. The board will convene via telephone to discuss any letters of intent. Nominations for Vice-President, Secretary, Legislative and Membership & Nominations will take place at the business meeting on April 22, 2015.

OLD BUSINESS: The board discussed the lobbyist survey results. Mike Clark (21st) will discuss the results with the membership at the business meeting on April 22, 2015 and determine the direction the board will move with the lobbyist.

NEW BUSINESS: Kevin Murray (21st) discussed the direction of the business meeting on April 22, 2015. Kevin advised members will have at their place settings copies of SB111 letter; survey results; treasurer report and October 16, 2014 business minutes.



Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $187.20 for mileage and toll to/from the executive board meeting.

Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $81.76 for mileage to/from Manhattan to Emporia to attend the Correctional Care Coalition.

Kevin Murray (21st) submitted a bill for $59.45 for registration candy. Kevin turned the KACSO debit card to KACSO treasurer Kelly Johnson.

Spence Koehn (4th) submitted a bill for $13.67 for a new rod for the KACSO banner.

Kelly Johnson (4th) submitted a bill for $212.27 to Hasty Awards for name tag ribbons and $179.05 to Quill for name tags and certificate paper.

Chris Esquibel (29th) submitted a bill for $156.58 for award plaques.

Kathleen Rieth (10th) moved and Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 8-0.


Mike Clark (21st) made a motion to adjourn, Spence Koehn (4th) seconded. Motion carried 8-0.

The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be the business meeting on April 22, 2015 at 12:00pm in Lawrence.

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