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January 29, 2015

Holiday Inn, Overland Park, KS

PRESENT: Kevin Murray, 21st (President), Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim Vice-President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Nicki Taylor-Morris, 12th (Public Relations), Spence Koehn, 6th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Training).

President Kevin Murray, (21st) called the meeting to order. Chris Esquibel (29th) made a motion to approve the minutes from December 12, 2014 board meeting and January 16, 2015 conference call. Kelly Johnson (4th) seconded, motion carried 7-0.

TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) reported he emailed the November, December and 4th quarter 2014 treasurer reports to board members. The balance at the end of November was $38,782.62. The balance at the end of December and 4th quarter was $37,766.66. Kelly advised he has received membership dues for 301members. Mike Clark (21st) moved to accept the November, December and 4th quarter 2014 treasurer reports. Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded, motion carried 7-0.

Kelly reported contributions for 2014 lobbyist was $15,743.00; contributions for 2015 are $450.00. Fundraising contributions for the lobbyist in 2014 was $2,772.00. Kelly will email the membership regarding continued contribution for the lobbyist.


Mike Clark (21st) reported the training for spring 2015 is almost complete, he is waiting on a coupled of contracts to be returned. Mike reported the cost for speakers will be under $4,500.00. Mike reported the training committee meets tomorrow.


The Board discussed the conference sites of Crowne and Holiday Inn in Overland Park. The board unanimously voted to sign a contract with the Holiday Inn in Overland Park for the Fall 2016 conference. Kevin will request a contract from the Holiday Inn.

The Board discussed the Prairie Band proposal. Kevin advised he has sent an email to the Prairie Band regarding the room rate; he has not received a response. The Board will table any decision regarding the contract with Prairie Band.


Kevin Murray (21st) reported he does not have any new information to report on the correctional supervision fund and there is nothing active regarding the DUI supervision fund.

Kevin Murray (21st) advised he will send out a welcome letter to the Legislature inviting them to the conference in Lawrence.

OJA: No report.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) reported she has received three (3) proposals for the website. Two (2) of the proposals, one from Concordia the other from Emporia list prices around $7000.00. Nicki received a proposed from Aaron Holder from the Kansas City area. His proposal is for $1500.00 to design and create a new website. This includes a keyword search engine; host domain; maintain the web site. Mr. Holder can create a logo for an additional $200.00. Mr. Holder would charge about $200.00 a year for his services. The board discussed the need for a website & the consensus was if the website was good, it would be used. Nicki is to get a list of references from Mr. Holder and send the proposal to all board members.

MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: As of today there have not been any nominations received. Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) will send out an email to the membership with information regarding nominations for awards. The board discussed adding memorial names to the banquet program.


  • Kevin Murray (21st) reported he has not received a response from Justice Rosen regarding administrative order 273. Kevin has received a few letters from KACSO members requesting clarification. Kevin will continue to attempt to get a meeting with Justice Rosen.

  • Kevin Murray (21st) advised the fundraising raffle has been tabled until administrative regulations from the Department of Revenue have been released.

  • Kevin Murray (21st) reported the CSO Advisory Committee meet. OJA reported it has received some questions/clarifications regarding the electronic LSI-R from vendors. The CSO manual revisions have been completed. The new manual is close to finalization. Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) requested the advisory committee explore YLS score standards. Kevin advised the Committee meets again on March 3, 2015 with their primary topic being safety and security.


  • Kevin Murray (21st) reported a letter from Chief Justice Nuss was sent to all judicial branch employees regarding the movement of e-filing money for salaries.

  • A request for regional training money was received from the 6th Judicial District in the amount of $175.00. Discussion occurred. Mike Clark (21st) moved to approve the request for regional training money from the 6th judicial district. Nicki Taylor-Morris seconded, motion carried 7-0.


Kevin Murray (21st) advised he received a thank you from Angie Wyant’s daughter for the memorial contribution.


Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $203.84 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $152.52 for hotel room at Holiday Inn and mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Kevin Murray (21st) submitted a bill for $204.00 to Survey Monkey. This bill was paid with the debit card.

Chris Esquibel (29th) moved and Spence Koehn (6th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 7-0.


Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) made a motion to adjourn, Mike Clark (21st) seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be February 25, 2015 at 10:00am in Topeka.

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