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August 15, 2014

Geary County Courthouse, Junction City, KS

PRESENT: Kevin Murray, 21st (President), Chris Esquibel, 29th (Interim Vice-President), Kelly Johnson, 4th (Treasurer), Erin Engelken, 9th (Secretary), Nicki Taylor-Morris, 12th (Public Relations), Julie Whitney, 5th (Parliamentarian), Mike Clark, 21st (Interim Training), Stephanie Springer, 27th (Interim Membership & Nominations), Kathleen Rieth, 10th (Legislative).

President Kevin Murray, (21st) called the meeting to order. Julie Whitney (5th) made a motion to approve the minutes from July 31, 2014 board meeting. Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

TREASURER: Kelly Johnson (4th) reported he emailed the July 2014 treasurer reports to board members. The balance at the end of July was $53,938.34. Balance for lobbyist contributions is $12,510.00. Mike Clark (21st) moved to accept the July 2014 treasurer report. Julie Whitney (5th) seconded, motion carried 9-0.

Kelly advised he will have the conference summary at the next board meeting. He continues to wait on the bill for the CSO of the year plaque.

Kelly advised he reimbursed Chief CSO Shannon Radke (23rd) $175.14 for Active Listening regional training refreshments.


Mike Clark (21st) reported the training for fall 2014 conference in Mayetta is near completion. Mike advised he sent an email to Chief CSO’s regarding interest in mediator roundtable. Mike stated the training committee is looking into SASSI training at a future conference; he will contact Chief CSO’s to determine the level of interest.

Mike presented discussion from the training committee meeting regarding the elimination of KASCO driven LSI-R training at conferences. Discussion occurred. Mike Clark (21st) moved to contact OJA to offer a four (4) hour slot on Wednesday at the spring 2015 conference for LSI-R training in lieu of the 6 hours currently offered. Mike Clark (21s) withdrew his motion for clarification after some discussion. Mike Clark (21st) moved that he would contact OJA via a letter regarding offering 4 hours of LSI-R training. KACSO would provide the space for the training to occur at preconference starting in spring 2015. Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) seconded. Discussion occurred. Mike Clark (21s) advised the rationale behind the motion is the training committee would like to have more slots for training to utilize all available training times. Motion carried 9-0.

Mike Clark (21s) advised the deadline for hotel reservations at Mayetta is October 3, 2014.


Kevin Murray (21st) reported sessions in Mayetta will begin at 9:30 to accommodate breakfast hours. A hospitality room will be available Wednesday and Thursday evening. Wednesday there will be a dinner. Thursday golf will be available.

Kevin Murray (21st) reported he has received a contract from Drury Inn for April 6-8, 2016. The board will review the contract and discuss at next board meeting.


Kathleen Rieth’s (10th) reported the legislative committee unanimously supports the continuation of the lobbyist. Kathleen stated letters to KACSO members will be mailed with ballots regarding the positives for having a lobbyist. Discussion occurred regarding the use of survey monkey to obtain membership feedback on the continuation of the lobbyist. Questions asked will be: 1) are you willing to support the continuation of the KACSO lobbyist and 2) what monetary amount would you be willing to commit. Mike Clark (21st) will develop the questions and send a draft to board members.

Kathleen reported the legislative committee would like to pursue DUI money, increase the supervision fee to $100/120 for misdemeanor offenses and $200/240 for felony offenses and remove the earmark that supervision funds are to be used for LSI-R training, continue to ask for the under market adjustment, and strike target population to allow for risk driven supervision. Legislative committee would like to see staff ratios appropriate to meet the possible increase in offenders for Court Services if target population is eliminated.

Kathleen reported e-filing is not ready to move forward.

Next legislative meeting is November 18, 2014 in Topeka.

OJA: No report.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Julie Whitney (5th) moved to pay $119.40 to Dream Host. Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded, motion carried 9-0. Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) reported vendor letters will go out tomorrow. The board discussed revamping the logo. No action taken.

MEMBERSHIP AND NOMINATING: Ballots were stuffed by board members. Stephanie Springer’s (27th) reported ballots are due to her no later than August 30, 2014.


  • Kevin Murray (21st) reported he has not received a response from Justice Rosen regarding administrative order 273.

  • Kevin Murray (21st) reported a survey will be sent to members regarding continuation of the contract with Kearney & Associates.

  • Kevin Murray (21st) inquired of the board if an increase in membership dues of $10.00 is needed. Justification would be increased training, hotel and food costs. No action was taken at this time.

  • Kevin Murray (21st) advised any fundraising efforts have been put on hold at this time.

  • Mike Clark (21st) reported he has not received a response from Nancy Dixon (OJA) regarding CISM.




Erin Engelken (9th) submitted a bill for $100.80 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Julie Whitney (5th) submitted a bill for $68.88 for mileage to/from the executive board meeting.

Mike Clark (21st) submitted a bill for $148.96 for mileage to/from CISM training and executive board meeting.

Brian Weiser (9th) submitted a bill for $870.85 for airline tickets, lodging and per diem for APPA conference.

Kevin Murray (21st) submitted a bill for $153.00 for mileage to/from Larry Dobbs funeral.

Kevin Murray (21st) submitted a bill for $196.00 for stamps and $54.33 for card and contribution to Larry Dobbs memorial. Each item was paid for via the KACSO debit card.

Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) submitted a bill for $119.40 for Dreamhost. This was paid for via the KACSO debit card.

Julie Whitney (5th) moved and Kathleen Rieth (10th) seconded to pay all bills as submitted. Motion carried 9-0.


Nicki Taylor-Morris (12th) made a motion to adjourn, Mike Clark (21st) seconded. Motion carried 9-0.

The next meeting of the KACSO Executive Board will be September 19, 2014 at 10:00am in Mayetta.


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