January 2022 Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2022 @ 10:00am
Via Zoom Meeting
· Stephanie Springer, 27th (President), Tom Weishaar, 1st (Vice President), Julie Whitney (5th), Treasurer
Kelsey Cox, 27th (Membership and Nominations), Julie Marler, 28th (Public Relations), Charly Pegg, 18th (Training), Brian Swenson, 28th (Parliamentarian), David Padilla, 3rd (Legislative Chair), Ryan Duckers, 29th (Secretary),
Chris Esquibel, 29th (Sitting Past President)
· Spence Koehn (OJA)
· Reading/Review of the Minutes:
Stephanie Springer, called the meeting to order.
Reading and Review of the November 2021 minutes.
Julie Whitney (5th) moved to approve the November 2021 minutes as submitted. Charly Pegg (18th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Treasurer’s Report:
Julie Whitney sent out the reconciliation report from closing previous account in order to open an account at a different bank. Report from period ending 11/20/2021 reflected an ending balance of $61,748.34.
Julie advised there was an error found in April 2021 in the amount of $.62 due to counting interest from the account twice. She indicated that to rectify the matter, she would need to amend the reports from April 2021 to present.
Chris Esquibel (29th) moved to amend Treasurer reports from April 2021 to present in order to fix this error. Brian Swenson (28th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Julie also advised when the account was closed there was $681.34 in uncleared transactions including one issued to Stephanie Springer (27th) for mileage. David Padilla (3rd) moved to re-issue the mileage check for Stephanie. Kelsey Cox (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
Julie requested permission to purchase a couple of deposit stamps due to the change in banks. Charly Pegg (18th) moved to approve the purchase. Chris Esquibel (29th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Training
§ Charly advised that everything is pretty much ready to go for conference and that she is just waiting on course descriptions from Mike Clark (2nd) who will be providing 6 hours of training in place of two presenters who cancelled. She asked about compensation for Mike since he will be presenting. Discussion was had and it was agreed since the board asked him to present, he does not fall under Standing Rule #10 so it was agreed to waive his registration and would pay for the hotel room.
§ The current travel restrictions are set to expire at the end of January so at this time we are proceeding as if the conference will happen.
§ Chris advised that the Spring 2023 contract is in limbo due to the change in dates and that he would look into it.
· Site Selection
Upcoming Conferences:
o Spring 2022 – April 6-8 – Hilton Garden Inn – Manhattan, KS – Contract
o Fall 2022 – October 19-21 Drury Inn – Wichita, KS – Contract
o Spring 2023 – April 19-21 Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan, KS – Contract
o Fall 2023 – October 18-20 Prairie Band Casino, Mayetta, KS – Contract
o Spring 2024 – April 10 – 12 Drury Inn, Wichita, KS – Contract pending
David advised he met with Teresa Harkins (29th) last week to review the RFP’s that were submitted and they put together some questions and items of interest to present to Stephanie and our Lobbyist.
David indicated that he had not scheduled a Legislative Committee meeting yet, but would be sure to get one set up in February.
Public Relations
Julie Marler asked if she should start contacting vendors about the conference. It was suggested that she wait until the end of this month so we can find out if conference will actually happen.
Membership and Nomination
Nothing new to report.
· Spence Koehn (OJA) advised of the following items of interest for the Legislative session and other things.
HB 2200 that concerns EBP for Juveniles and funding.
A bill that would remove authority for CSO’s to take into custody children involved in CINC cases or people with mental health problems.
Shawn Jurgensen will be providing testimony next week to the Senate Ways and Means Committee on the effects of the budget.
There is a new CSO training scheduled for March.
Continued work on Tyler Supervision.
Currently working with Cyzap on getting the WRNA into the system.
Booster trainings for LSCMI, WRNA etc. will continue to be made available online.
· KACSO Raffle:
Stephanie advised that she is currently showing 350 tickets paid for, but still have about half that have not been reserved and asks for ideas on getting a final push for sales. Discussion was had regarding incentives being awarded for certain number of tickets being sold. It was agreed that anyone who sells 3 tickets will have access to a VIP room at conference where there will be food and beverages provided. If a person sells 10 tickets they will be entered into a drawing for a KACSO swag item. If the person sells 25 tickets they will be able to choose from either a $50.00 Visa gift card or an item of their choice from the swag store up to $75.00.
David Padilla (3rd) moved to utilize available funds to pay for the purchase of incentive items. Kelsey Cox (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· By-Laws:
Discussed the need to update by-laws at the Spring conference regarding voting dates.
· Cash App:
Discussion on alternative ways to collect payments for things such as the raffle and other items. Agreed to look into other methods.
· Nothing to report.
· $372.00 – Survey Monkey renewal
· Charly Pegg (18th) moved to pay bills as submitted. Kelsey Cox (27th) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
· Nothing to report.
· Will be on February 24, 2022 at 10:00am – Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan, KS
· Charly Pegg (18th) moved to adjourn the meeting. David Padilla (3rd) seconded the motion. All in favor and motion approved.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Stephanie Springer, President Ryan Duckers, Secretary